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I walked into school with Piper, Frank, and Will. Finally we spotted our other friends. So we all headed over to where they stood by the main office.

Leo had his arm around Calypso's waist and she was leaning on him. Leo had on his usual white work shirt with blue jeans and black suspenders. He always wore his work boots too. See Leo worked with his father in a auto shop that his father owns. He is the most ADHD of all of us so he is constantly making or messing with something. He tried to wear his tool belt to school once... That didn't go well. He looks a bit like a Latino elf. With his troublemaker smile he never looks like he's up to anything good.

Calypso balances his crazy quite well. She wears flowy dresses with flower crowns. Today was a white summer dress with a small circlet of white flowers with leaves. She was very pretty with brown hair and matching eyes. Just like she was actually the Greek myth herself.

Nico and Hazel both stood next to the couple. Nico wore his usual black shirt with a skull on it, black skinny jeans, and aviator jacket. He has black hair and dark eyes, originally he was from Italy but moved here at a very young age. 

Hazel was his half sister, they shared a dad, but looked nothing like the boy. Hazel had coco colored skin with golden eyes and cinnamon hair. She wore a cute yet simple gold top with a black skirt. Nico was very protective of his younger sister. See only a year and a half separated them. Long story don't want to get into it.

One strange thing was that Nico and Hazel both were smiling fiendishly. One, Nico almost never smiles like that. Two, Hazel is this cute little ball of innocent mushed into a person, she never did anything fiendish or even remotely mischievous!

I aproched with caution. But the others didn't seem to care. Piper started chatting with Leo. Will stood close to Nico and just seemed content to do so. Frank just talked to Hazel.

After about a minute someone tackled Nico and Hazel to the ground. I was about to kick someone's ass when they started laughing. Nico and Hazel were on the ground being hugged by a guy with black hair and a blue hoodie on. Nico fake shoved at him while Hazel just hugged him back.

"Percy! They're fragile we talked about this!" Said a blonde guy that walked up. He had very blue eyes, like a blue that seemed to punch you in the gut. He wore a purple shirt with some jeans.

"Percy" just ignored him. He kept hugging our friends. At this point we all are very confused so I open my mouth to say something when the guy on the floor hops up and lifts my friends to their feet. His eyes where a bright sea green. They reminded me of the waves rolling into the beach. His Raven black hair was tosseled and messed up. But in a kind of sexy way.

"Nico! Hazel! It's so good to see you!" Percy said. His voice was deep and smooth. Like a still ocean. "I missed you guys so much!" He flung his arms around them again.

Nico and Hazel barley came up to this guy's chest. He engulfed them. Before anyone could ask a question he grabbed the blonde guy by his shirt and made him join the hug. Finally they all let go but Percy stood in the middle of Nico and Hazel with an arm around each.

"Guys these are our cousins. Percy," Percy saluted and gave a lopsided grin. That made me think he was a troublemaker. "and Jason. They aren't sibling just cousins. All of our dads are brothers." Jason just nodded and smiled. He was the responsible one out of the two.

"They just moved to town so we are gonna show them around. Bye guys!" Hazel waved as they all walked off.

"Well then... Let's get to class." I mumbled. We all walked off.


I was just chatting with Leo when someone tackled Nico and Hazel. I spun around. I saw the murderous expression on Annabeth's face turn into confusion when the three teens on the floor started laughing.

I joined her in the confusion.

Then a male voice said "Percy! They're fragile we talked about this!" The voice was a low rumble. A bit like thunder. I looked up from the guys on the floor. And was met with the handsome guy from outside.

His blue eyes punched you in the gut and wouldn't let you recover. His blonde hair was a bright yellow. The necklace of a lightning bolt around his neck just rounded off my image of a thunderstorm.

Wait... Thunderstorm... Electric blue eyes... No. No I couldn't be this lucky. I pushed the thought away.

I smiled at him. He smiled back. Oh god...

The guy on the floor popped up and brought Nico and Hazel with him. He was handsome too. With sea green eyes you could get lost in and raven black hair you just want to run your fingers through.

"Nico! Hazel! It's so good to see you!" Percy said. His voice was deep and smooth. If the blonde was a thunderstorm this guy was the embodiment of the sea. "I missed you guys so much!" He flung his arms around them again.

After pulling the blonde guy into the hug the group just stood there smiling at us.

"Guys these are our cousins. Percy," Percy saluted and gave a lopsided grin. This made me think, oh no another Leo. "and Jason. They aren't sibling just cousins. All of our dads are brothers." Jason just nodded and smiled. So the blonde's name is Jason. Nice.

After they left to go get Percy and Jason's schedule Annabeth ushered us all to class.


When Percy and I found Nico and Hazel they were with a few others. Percy didn't even wait to rush over and tackle our cousins to the ground. I chuckled and headed over. "Percy! They're fragile we talked about this!" I got out.

I looked up while rolling my eyes. I met the blonde girl's stare first. She analyzed me and moved on to assess the situation with Percy.

Then I met the eyes of a Cherokee girl. She was gorgeous. Her eyes seemed to change colors like they couldn't chose. Her brown hair was choppy and braided in parts. Feathers were worked into her hair as well. Her white tops hung off on shoulder with a pink heart. Besides that she wore skinny jeans and sneakers. She was beautiful.

But next thing I know I'm pulled into a hug then we're off to the office for a schedule.


Jason and I looked around for our cousins. I couldn't wait to see them. Nico and Hazel were both more siblings then cousins. Just like with Jason and Thalia. So when I spotted them I couldn't help but tackle them. We all started laughing.

I heard Jason tease me, "Percy! They're fragile we talked about this!"

I hopped up and dragged them with me. I put one arm around Nico and one around Hazel. When Nico introduced us I smiled. That's when I locked eyes with a blonde.

She had blonde princess curls down her back, like a gold waterfall. All in all she was beautiful but what really caught my attention were her eyes. They seemed to peer into my soul and read everything about me. The intelligence that seemed to radiate from her was intimidating.

So I was a bit dissapointed to have to leave her presence but it also was a bit relieving.

So It's You? (Percy Jackson Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now