Chapter 10- The Trance of Blood

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Crystal POV.

I looked up into his orbs of green eyes…I was frozen, but not in shock but surprise.


“What the hell are you doing here?” I whispered yelled at him. I really owed Duncan, when I was back in the house he saved me from being killed.  I remember L-Lucifer… I think his name was, he wanted to kill me on the spot but Duncan refused to let him and saved me. He even calmed me down when I was crying hysterically, I really owed him one.

“I wanted to see if you were okay?” Duncan said caringly, I looked up at him in the tree, seeing no sign of him lying to me.

“I’m okay, really” I said to him. “But you really shouldn’t be here” I said to him, adjusting my grip a little on the tree.

“I know, I was checking up on you,” He said placing a delicate hand on my cheek, rubbing his thumb on my cheek.

“I’m not a five year old,” I said pouting a little; He chuckled lightly and dropped effortlessly on the ground but quickly hid behind the tree. I started my climb down the tree and almost fell to the ground when I had almost got to the ground, but Duncan was quick to catch me, he hid us behind the tree and placed me down gently.

“You are very clumsy” He said laughter filling his voice; I scowled at him and turned my back on him. I felt him stiffen beside me, I looked down at myself and blood was seeping out on a cut a got on my arm. He came closer to my his eyes turning a quick blood red, he grabbed my arm and it was gentle at first but the smell of blood got to him and his grip tightened on me.

“Duncan… that hurt’s” I said whimpering, as his grip got tighter on me.

“You smell, Delicious,” He said hauntingly, as he licked his lips. I tried pulling out of his grip but it was firm and he was really hurting me, I whimpered as he got closer to my cut. He grabbed my arm and licked my arm dry of any blood and he looked at me his eyes tainting to a dark blood red colour.

“Duncan, control yourself” I said trying to be forceful but it came out a whisper, he looked up at me putting a hand on my cheek.

“This wont hurt a bit” He said obviously the hunger side of him taking over as he lightly kissed my neck, his kisses trailing up and down my neck until he stopped.

I tried pushing him away again but it was useless. “Duncan, stop” I said trying to sound as forceful as possible but still it came out in a bare whisper. I felt something scrap along my neck making me feel sick in the stomach, until the pressure of his weight was lifted off me and he was being tackled down to the ground by… Alec!


“Alec!” I yelled at him, cutting him off.

“Alec don’t hurt him,” I said pleadingly.

“WHY NOT!” Alec yelled at me, looking at me his eyes turning pitch black.

“Because, he saved me from being killed from Lucifer! He calmed me down when I was crying senselessly and was scared, he saved my life!... I owe him” I said, saying the last part quietly. Alec looked at me his eyes softening a little as he looked at me, He pulled Duncan to his feet but still had a firm grip on his neck.

“Is this true?” Alec said through gritted teeth to Duncan.

“Y-Yes. Why don’t you believe C-Crystal?” Duncan said and it striked at nerve with Alec, he threw Duncan at the tree with a loud thump. He quickly had Duncan in a death grip again around the neck again and held him up against the tree.

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