Chapter 1-Deja vu (Edited)

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I was dreaming…I think…I seriously have no bloody clue anymore, the dream feels so real, I felt myself wake up in my dream and I open my eyes hazily trying to adjust to the lights; I look off to the distance ahead of me to find that I was in some kind of Dungeon or cell and my hands and feet have been chained to the wall. I looked down at my hands and feet, forcefully trying to pull away but it’s completely useless but before I could complain my head snaps up to see the fire wall lamps burn out and I’m sitting their in the darkness.

I feel a rush of wind brush past by me but then my eyes are quickly refocusing as I see a candle being lit next to me. I tilt my head up to see a black figure standing in front of me, my eyes refocused again as I see a guy who looks to be about my age (I’m 17) maybe a bit older standing in front of me, but-but he was stunning, he looked to be quite tall but it might be the fact I’ am sitting down while he was staring over me, with his is intense Sapphire eyes, he looked to be very and lean and built; I could tell when he walked over next to me. He crouched down next to me looking at me with his memorizing eyes, he had Dark brown to black hair that fell lightly over his face just above his eyes, he had fairly pale skin but his eyes are what I kept focusing on; he has the brightest Sapphire blue eyes, as I was admiring his eyes I suddenly paralyze in fear as he smiles at me and I-I saw his fangs

I was now freaking out, I quickly tried backing away from him as he leaned closer looking at me curiously but It was pointless as usual, I was chained to the wall, I quickly tried veering myself up against the wall but it was to late he was already leaning in next to me. He started kissing me tenderly on the neck, which sent shivers down my spine but as soon I felt his tongue run along my vein on my neck and it made me shudder, I quickly tensed up at his touch and I didn’t even want to scream but the next thing I know I feel his fangs scratch along my neck then he…

I woke up screaming, I had fallen asleep in History, which we are apparently learning about  Mythical creatures and the beliefs about then back in the modern ages…Wait was I actually listening in history, wow well that’s something. . . Everyone was looking at me laughing, I was so embarrassed and I knew at this moment I was going red.

“Miss Stone were you sleeping in my class!” Mrs Evans yelled from the front of the classroom giving me a deadly stared, I was so embarrassed now, how could I fall asleep in class?

“I guess I was miss,” I said coolly.

“Miss Stone principles office now!” She yelled…the class quickly went dead quiet, as the teacher stood at the front of the room giving me an unpleasant glare, I quickly grabbed my stuff and headed out to the principles office with the teachers eyes baring on me as I was walking out of the room. I arrived at the principles office and was straight away let in to see the principle who was giving me an irritated look as I walked in; I went and sat down in front of her.

“Miss Stone, What do I have the pleasure of talking to you with this time?” She said irritated.

“Well Mrs, I was kind of tired today so I thought it would be best if I slept in History, so I wouldn’t be tired for any of my other classes” I said a little to cockily and I could see Mrs Mural get pissed off.

“Crystal this is your third time in my office in the past 6 months, that has to be a record for anyone, I know what happened between your parents is not your fault but don’t you think your parents want what is the best for you” She said Apologetic and I appreciate it to an extent, but Mrs Mural has been nice to me ever since my parents split up, since she is such close friends with my mum.

“I know,” I said shamefully.

“Crystal I’m making this the last warning, it you get sent to my office one more time you will be getting a detention…alright?” She said with an understanding tone.

Immortal love...can always be ruined (On Hold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن