Chapter 2- Hospital?? (Edited)

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Kimberly’s POV

I hazily opened my eyes to see I've  woken up in the hospital; all I remember was crashing into another car, when I had glanced at Crystal...CRYSTAL, Where is my baby sister?

"NURSE! NURSE! NURSE!" I croaked, barely being able to scream. A nurse came running into the room looking at me worriedly, the nurse was a middle aged lady, with sandy beach blonde hair and  dark brown eyes wearing a blue nurses uniform, she walked over next to me looking concerned and worried.

"Are you alright- she glanced down to look at my board at the front of the hospital bed.

"Kimberly" she looked up at me from the clip board, with full attention.

"Where's my sister!" I croaked again, barely saying it as loud as I wanted it...I was scared, worried for Crystal, she says she a tough girl but-but she's my baby sister and-and this is all my fault... I burst out sobbing in my hands, the nurse came over and pulled me into a hug rubbing my back, comforting me.

"What's her name? so I can go get her" the nurse said attentively in my ear, I couldn't look at her.

"Her name's (sniff) um.. her name is Crystal (sniff) but she-she was in the crash with me" I started balling my eyes outs again, while the nurse held me in a hug...until she let go and I look up to see mum(Emma-Lyn) and Dad (Nicholas) standing at the doorway. Mum came and sat next to me and gave me the biggest hug as I was balling my eyes out, mum held onto me until I felt I couldn’t cry anymore, and pulled me out of the hug without letting go of me.

"I will go check on her for you" the nurse said leaving the room, I watched her walk out of the room until I turned back to look at mum and dad.

"Have you heard from Crystal? have you gone and checked on her?" I asked mum who seemed to look worried and I could see tears building up in her eyes.

"Mum what's going on?" I asked feeling very nervous and anxious, Mum quickly looked at Dad than back at me, just as mum was about to say anything the nurse came back into the room in a rush, I started getting up from the bed but mum held me down.

"Sit down Kimberly, you need your rest" Mum said with her hands either side of my shoulders, pushing me to lay back down, I laid back down without hesitation but I was looking at mum questionably.

"So can I see her?" I asked looking at the nurse who was trying not to make eyes contact with me.

"Do you remember you were in a car accident with your sister?" the nurse asked politely.

I gulped "yes of course I did, what's wrong?  Is she okay?" I said in a quickly and worriedly, where was this going? was she saying I might of killed my sister? I felt tears prick my eyes as I was waiting for the nurse to reply.

"Well you were lucky, but as for your sister not so much. She impacted into the other car far worse than you did, she has little damage to her skull, Don’t worry nothing life threatening but there was an open cut wound in her skull and she has gashes of cuts on her, the doctors were able to stitch up all her wounds and they fixed her skull" The nurse said with pain in her eyes, I tried my best to contain my tears but I felt a tear run down my face and I hurriedly wiped it away

"So... what...why can't I go see her? she's fine isn't she? I asked frantically

"Well the thing is she is in a coma, we are not completely sure for how long were guessing for about 3 days possibly a week" the nurse said not wanting to make eye contact with me.

I could not handle this, how was it my beautiful, wonderful sister is in a coma, I burst into to tears again I brought my knees into my chest and sobbed, until I felt an familiar hug around me again. Mum had wrapped her arms around me again and I opened up her arms to her, I embraced her hug and hugged her while I sobbed silently. She silently was stroking my hair and telling me everything was going to be could everything be okay?my sister was in a coma and it was my fault, seriously how was everything okay?...Mum let go of me as soon as I had stopped crying and looked at me and gave me a fake smile.

Immortal love...can always be ruined (On Hold)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora