"She's right, Els," Punzie said, finishing off her cookie. "Has he asked you to be his Girlfriend?"

"Who said she couldn't ask him to be her Boyfriend?" Mer asked. "It's 2018, it's not weird."

"No one has asked anyone to be their whatever," I mumbled, picking off a piece of bark from the tree. "We haven't even mentioned anything about dating."

"Why don't you?" Mer asked. "It's obvious you two have feelings for each other."

"Or maybe it's just me," I sighed. "Maybe he's interested in someone else."

"Elsie," Anna said firmly. "Do you see the way he looks at you?"

"No, because I'm too busy looking at him," I replied, inspecting the piece of bark carefully.

"Name one girl he could be interested in," Punzie shot back.

"I'm not a mind-reader," I said picking off a piece of the bark.

"When was the last time he had a girlfriend?" Mer asked.

"When I was still locked up in my room in Arendelle, isolating myself from any part of civilisation," I sighed, allowing the crumpled pieces of bark to fall onto the grassy floor.

They all stared at me, incredulous, until the piercing shriek of the bell reached our ears. I hopped down and grabbed my backpack from the foot of the tree.

"I have calculus now, but I'll see you guys later," I replied quietly, before heading back into the school.


Jack's P.O.V

"Have you asked Elsa to be your girlfriend yet?" Eugene asked, chewing on a french fry. I almost choked on my burger and had to swallow it down with some soda.

"What?" I spluttered.

"Have you asked Elsa to be your--"

"I heard you," I snapped.

"So why the long wait, Frost?" Kristoff joined in. "It's been months."

"She can always ask him to be her Boyfriend," Hiccup replied, lifting his head up from his book. "It's 2018."

"Yeah, but it would just be fun to watch Frosty begging on his knees for Elsa's hand," Eugene smirked. I glared at him and he raised his hands up in surrender.

"Easy there, boy."

"Even if I did ask Elsa," I said. "I don't think she'd say yes."

Eugene almost choked on his fry, Kristoff almost broke the table, and Hiccup almost ripped his book in half.

A little too dramatic, don't you think?

"WHY?!" They yelled.

"Do you NOT remember what happened 3 months back?" I asked. "Where I embarrassed her in front of the majority of the student body and allowed her to be almost killed by my psycho-Boyfriend of a Cousin?"

"The past is on the past," Kristoff shrugged. "She doesn't seem too bothered about it now."

"But I still feel bad about it," I said, slumping down in my seat.

"Maybe you should plan something BIG," Eugene said. "Something that would make her forget about anything that you did in the past. For a while anyway."

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