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Punzie's P.O.V

As soon as Eragna and Elsa finished Pitch off, they collapsed onto the ground, the Colours of their skin switching from blood red to pale skin. Little sparks appeared at their fingertips, and their eyes were shut closed from exhaustion.

"What. Just. Happened?" Kristoff asked, still staring at the unconscious body. We all just shook our heads in disbelief and shock, and Kristoff was about to continue until we noticed a little boy ran into the room.

"Hiro?" We all exclaimed. He didn't seem to notice our bewildered faces at his sudden appearance, and rushed towards Elsa and Eragna, carrying the same little machine that he used that caused this entire thing in the first place. With the baby still in my arms, I blocked Hiro's way and stood before him, staring into his eyes. "Don't go near them with that thing."

"N-No P-Punzie you have to trust m-."

"How can I trust you!" I yelled, dreads threatening to spill. "My Cousin is lying unconscious on the floor and one of my best friends is practically dead! I can't trust you!"

"Trust me one more time," he replied quietly. "I can use this to separate Elsa and Eragna.

I stopped and stared at him even harder, trying to see a lie in his big, brown eyes.

I saw none.

I slowly stepped out of his way as he made his way to Elsa and Eragna, his quivering breathe echoiding around the room. He placed the machine next to their limp body and switched it on, except this time it radiated a purple light that shimmered out of the machine. We all watched in awe as the purple light rose above of Elsa and Eragna, forming into a silhouette of their body, copying the way they lay.

Elsa and Eragna started to shake violently, their purple eyes shooting open as they thrashed around, but the presence of the purple light seemed to restrain them from moving anywhere else. Kristoff and Eugene were about to intervene until I stopped them, and waited for what was coming.

The purple light started to stretch apart, causing Elsa and Eragna to scream in pain, as if their organs were being torn apart by metal clamps. Tears streamed down their face and landed on the wooden floor, but Hiro remained determined and turned on a red switch that was located at the bottom of the machine. Slowly, the purple light split into two, one turning blue and the other turning red, and as soon as the light split, Elsa and Eragna pulled apart from each other, with Eragna slowly moving her way out of her old body, and into her new one. Eragna's face seemed to split from Elsa's and an arm pulled out from the side, causing all of us to shriek.

They both continued to scream and cry, holding onto each other for support, until suddenly the light disappeared and they both collapsed onto the floor, but now as two different people.

As their own people.

Kristoff rushed to Elsa as Eugene helped Eragna up. They both had massive gashed on their stomach, from their time with Pitch, but now the gushing had slowed down to a small drip, splattering onto the floor. They both panted heavily, but Elsa stopped once she saw Jack unconscious. She broke out of Kristoff's firm grip and rushed to Jack, placing his head in her arms, stroking his hair. The rest of us and . thanked Hiro, who said it was the least he could do after what he had done to us, but now our main priority was to get Jack the heck out of here and to get this baby back to where she belongs.


Elsa's P.O.V

The only thing I could think about was Jack.

Just the sight of him laying their not moving made my heart shatter into pieces. Eragna tried to comfort me, both of us still in shock at not being one anymore, but we were both relieved, since now we didn't have to fight for dominance.

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