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Eragna's P.O.V

"Come on," Pitch said, tugging my arm. "We can't be here for much longer, the spell won't last for so long."

He attempted to pull me away from the metal bed, but my feet were rooted to the ground. I felt as if a weight was lifted off of my shoulders, and all the heartbreak that I had suffered from was Long gone, disappearing as happiness took it's place.

"My parents wanted me," I exclaimed. "They wanted me!"

I turned to Pitch and sighed. "Pitch, I don't think we should do this."

His eyes darkened and I felt myself take a cautious step back. "What?" He said, surprised. "Why would you say that?"

"Well," I began. "The only reason why I wanted to do this is because I thought that if Elsa wasn't there, then my parents would pay all their attention to me. They would love me, and me only. I wouldn't have to be the second option. I've lived like that for a Long time. But now I know that they have always loved me, and I don't want to kill Elsa, knowing that we were both loved equally."

Pitch stayed silent, until he started to laugh, cackle almost. I stared at him in confusion as he was practically rolling on the ground, tears streaming down his face.

"What's so funny?" I asked, irritated. "Why are you acting like that?"

"Oh, Eragna," he whispered. "Dear, dear Eragna."

Suddenly, I felt something pin me against the wall, slowly wrapping around my body, my breathe growing ragged and short. It squeezed tighter and tighter, until I felt like my own lungs were being taken away from me.

"P-Pitch?!" I wheezed. "W-what --is h-happening?"

"Oh Eragna," he said. "If only there was someone out there who loved you."

I felt my blood run cold, my breath growing more and more rapid. A cold shock ran up my spine as I realised Pitch's plan all along. I tried to look him in the eye, but I felt a force forcing my head down. Pitch chuckled early and lifted ,y head up, causing the force he placed on my head and the force pushing me down to collide. I felt like my head was going to crack, veins starting to appear on my head. I tried to shake his hand off, but his grip grew tighter. I gasped in pain, tugging at my invisible binds.

"W-What?" I whispered.

"You see," he said. "There was a prophecy. A prophecy of two conjoined twins. One a parasite, and one not. They would have the powers of ice and snow. And if happy together, could defeat the darkness itself, and save everyone."

He paused and smiled. "Why do you think your name was never written on presents? Why they were always just for Elsa?"


December 25th, 2002


Being 10, I always looked forward to Christmas Day. I allowed Elsa to rest in my head as I took hold of our body. Slowly, I crept out of bed and padded downstairs, leaning over the stairs, trying to spot the pile presents stacked underneath the Christmas tree. I tried my best to not squeal in excitement, covering my mouth. I raced down the stairs and grasped one of the presents in my hands.

To Elsa and Eragna,

Love, Mum and Dad.

But suddenly, I felt the lights dimming a little, and a black shadow approached. Quickly, I hid behind a table. Maybe an intruder? I wanted to call my parents, but I was so fixated on this figure as he rummaged through all the presents. He was making some sort of clicking noise. I tilted my head in confusion, and as the figure disappeared into the night, I quietly crept back upstairs, and fell asleep.

Christmas Day

Elsa raced down the stairs, flickering from me to her. We both squealed excitedly as we spotted My Mum and Dad sitting on the two massive chairs, with little Anna sitting on her lap, clapping her hands.

"Open up your presents, girls," My Mum said, gesturing to the presents. I switched to take over the body and grabbed a present.

To: Elsa

To: Elsa

To: Elsa

To: Elsa

They were all for Elsa! I was shocked, because I had seen most of them said Eragna as well last night. Maybe it was a trick of the dark. I rubbed my eyes, tears threatening to fall.

"Why are all of these for Elsa?" I whispered.

"Honey," Mum said. "You have to share."

"THEY JUST SAY ELSA!" I screamed, running up the stairs. After that, I allowed Elsa to take over my body as she headed downstairs. Meanwhile I curled up in the darkness of our mind and cried to myself softly until I fell asleep.

~Flashback Ends~

I looked at him in shock, my heart beating faster and faster. I felt tears start to well up in my eyes as I tried to lunge at him. "You lied to me!" I screamed. "You lied!" 

He laughed. "I will NEVER love anyone, Eragna." 

Suddenly, I felt the force slowly loosening it's grip over my body and I collapsed onto the tile floor, breathing heavily. The only thing I could see was Pitch's black shoes. "You see, Eragna," He said. "No one will EVER love you." 

He stalked off, cackling loudly whilst I was still collapsed on the floor. I tried to haul myself up but I felt myself go limp again. I felt pain shoot up my body and I fell with a thud on the ground. My vision started to go blurry, as he looked back at me. 

"You'll never get away with this," I growled. 

"But Eragna," He smirked. "I already have." 


Hey guys!

Here's another chapter for you guys, hope you enjoy it! I hope you can see the little Frozen references I added in. And also thank you guys so much for 4.3k reads! That is SO AMAZING AND I CAN'T EVEN BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!

So yes! If you did like this chapter please don't forget to 




And thanks for reading!

                                                 - CHOCO

Beware Her Frozen Heart || Jelsa Highschool FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang