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Jack's P.O.V

As soon as I reached school, I dashed inside and found the boys near the boy's bathrooms. They were talking about something and joking around, but I immediately sprinted towards them, bumping into people along the way.

"Guys! Guys!" I yelled, pouncing on them.

"Woah, Frost! Slow down, what's up?" Eugene asked, startled.

I explained to them about my conversation with Pitch yesterday, and I showed them the picture of Elsa and that boy.

"So, Elsa was cheating on Pitch instead and made up the entire story to you and telling you about her being abused?" They all said, shocked.

"Yup," I said. "At least, I think so."

"Frost, you know what this means right?" Eugene asked.

I smirked. "Break her heart like I was meant to?"

"And shatter it into a million pieces."

"And to believe that you guys belonged together," Kristoff said, shaking his head in dismay.

"Wait," Hiccup interrupted. We all looked at him.

"What if Pitch was lying about all of this? What if Elsa is telling the truth about her past? You know, I've always had a bad feeling around your Cousin, Jack. This hasn't been the first time I've told you this."

"Don't you see the picture?" I cried, showing it to him again. "She lied to all of us!"

"Then what about that scar you told us about, huh? Didn't you say it looked real and NOT FAKE?"

"She could have just painted it on? Or she could have put makeup on it!"

Hiccup sighed and looked at me with disappointment. "Jack, I think that Pitch is lying. You shouldn't break Elsa's heart. She's changed you. When was the last time you've gotten a Girlfriend huh?"

"--------Last year," I mumbled.

"Exactly. And last year you had a new Girlfriend every week. Now it's the middle of the semester and you haven't even gotten ONE! Elsa's changed you for the better dude, you should be thanking her!"

"I'm not gonna thank her for lying to me," I said firmly. "Believe what you wanna believe, but Elsa is a liar, and I'm gonna be the one that will give her the punishment that she deserves."

I stalked off once I had finished, and headed into Science, where I noticed Elsa listening to music as per usual and she was staring out of the window in a daze. She was wearing a baggy, light blue sweater and a crisp, white skater skirt. She could even wear baggy things and she still managed to look beautiful....

Get your head in the game Frost. Don't fall for her. (A/N Get your head in the game? HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL?!?! No? Ok.....)

Sighing, I grabbed the strap of my bag tightly and I slowly walked to her, but before I could even take one step, a hand immediately planted itself onto my chest.

"Hey Jackie! Long time no see!"

Oh hell naw.

"What do you want Maria?!" I yelled, trying to push her off me, but she just brushed it off. She crawled her hand up my chest and up to my face, where she cupped it gently.

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