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Elsa's P.O.V

I guess I've already made a bad impression on everyone, because as soon as I walked into my class, I was faced with glares, mainly from the girls, who were covering their mouths with their hands as if that blocked the sound of their high-pitched squeals. What a way to start off my senior year! Definitely something to tell the kids in 50 years!

"I can't believe she said no to Jack,"

"She better back off from my Jackie!"

"Seriously, how could he ask her out? She's a freak."

I breathed in, a surge of power coursing through my veins. My breathe hitched and I clenched my jaw, clasping my hand tightly.

Conceal, don't feel.

I glared at all of them.

Don't let them know.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards the very back of the class, and sat down to the desk nearest to the window. That way I wouldn't die of boredom, and I could avoid the urge to eavesdrop on the other students who had taken a sudden interest in the new girl.

"Hello everyone!" A sweet voice called from the front of the class. A beautiful woman walked in. She had glossy, light brown hair tied in a half-up half-down style and she was wearing a pale yellow off-the-shoulder sundress. Was she the teacher?! She could've passed as a freshman!

"My name is Ms.Belle, and I will be your English teacher for this year!" She then marked us on the register until she noticed something.
"Oh! So I see that we have a new student!"

Oh no, is she going to make me...

"Hello Dear!" She smiled at me. "I haven't seen you here before! Would you mind introducing yourself to the class?"
I nodded solemnly and stood up, crossing my arms in case I froze something by accident.

"Hello everyone," I muttered. "My name is Elsa Winters and I moved here to Burgess with my Sister Anna from Norway."

"Oh Norway! That is very far away!" Ms.Belle exclaimed, obviously trying to make conversation. "And what about your parents dear?"

"Oh, um.. they're not here." I mumbled biting my lip.
"Hah! I bet they abandoned her because of how ugly she looked!" A guy yelled, causing the entire class to break out in laughter.

I bit my lip, making it bleed. How dare he?

I close my eyes, breathed in and out.

Conceal don't feel, conceal don't feel, conceal don't feel.

I hid my hands behind my back and said, "They're dead."
The laughing stopped and silence filled the air. No one laughed. No one smiled. I Guess they felt bad now for laughing because of my parents. The guy was now open mouthed, his eyes filled with guilt and horror.

"Oh, I'm so sorry dear," Ms.Belle said sympathetically. "How did they die?"
I took another deep breathe."Cruise incident," I lied. "They're boat sank while they were still on it. I didn't even get to say goodbye"

No one could know what actually happened. Heck, even Anna doesn't know. I told her the exact same thing, Our parents died on a cruise ship. You see, she had amnesia when she was younger for some unknown reason, and completely forgot what happened to them. I couldn't bear to tell her the truth.

Well that wasn't what happened.

I was the one that killed them.

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