Take a Walk Down Memory Lane with Me: Chapter 49

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I'm getting this weird vibe from this chapter. It's sort of lame; not the story, just the way I wrote it so I apologise for that. But I'm almost finished with this story so you better sink in these next few chapters. 

Austin’s Pov:

It’s been a week since we’ve been in Florida and there wasn’t one second where I hadn’t enjoyed it. Bella had continued to surprise me in all possible ways, it’s like she knows me from inside out. She said she had one last surprise for me today, our last day of our holiday. She wouldn’t tell me where, even though I kept begging, she wouldn’t give in.

“Would you at least tell me what suburb?” I whined as I tied up my shoelace.

“Stop asking questions or I won’t take you out today.” She didn’t bother looking at me; instead she continued packing our clothes back into our suitcase.

I sighed quietly and changed the subject. “What time is our flight?” I stood up from the bed and walked to the mirror where I had fixed my hair.

“It’s at 8:30pm but we need to leave here by five.” She pushed the little strand of hair out of her face and behind her ears. “Okay, I’m done.” She huffed and flattened out her clothes. “We can’t fit anything else in our suitcase otherwise it’ll explode out.”

“Oh wait, I need to change my shirt.” I joked but she shot a glare at me.

“Are you kidding m-” I quickly cut her off.

“I’m joking, I’m joking, let’s go already!” I spoke over her with a laugh and linked my arms with hers.

We stood in the elevator waiting silently till we arrived at the ground floor. “I’ve hired a car from the hotel, yeah I know right, a hotel with rental cars; they’ve got everything.” I looked at her with a disbelief grin on my face, walking into the direction she’s leading me into. “Anyways, so it should be-” As soon as she fell silent I looked down onto her, only to see her staring at my legs.

“What?” I asked curiously.

She began to laugh and covered her face with her hands. “What?” I asked again, more eager to know.

“Your pants are inside out.” She chuckled and I looked down to inside out pants on my legs.

“Oh…” I began to laugh. “I honestly don’t know how that happened.”

She rolled her eyes and dragged me outside. “You can change in the car, let’s go.”

By the time we reached the car I had walked over to the driver’s side but Bella pulled me back and shook her head. “Um, what do you think you’re doing?” She smirked.

“I…oh…” I had realized that she was taking me out for a surprise, meaning I had no clue where to go. “My bad.” I walked around the car and heard her chuckle fade away.

Bella’s Pov:

“Change before I start the car. Knowing you, you would struggle.” Austin shot me a glare while I chuckled.

He undid his pants but was immediately halted when an idea popped into his mind. “Oh wait!” He quickly grabbed his phone out of his back pocket.

“What now?” I rolled my eyes.

He didn’t answer me. He reached over and pulled out a car adapter and plugged it into his phone. “Need some groovy music if I’m going to change in a tight area.” His sight never left his phone.

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