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My Husband's Enemy


The Frost guardian walks away with a smile a red cheeks. His love kissed his cheek. The youngest guardian always knew she loved him but is amazed every time she shows it. He is so in love with her, no words on this earth could explain the love he has for the Snow Queen. He makes his way to his room but once he gets there he is having a hard time falling asleep. All he can think about are her eyes, her eyes are the most beautiful shade of blue he has ever seen in his immortal life. He goes to the window seat and watches the moon, the only problem is that the moon is black? Not could the Winter Spirit figure out why the moon has turned into a dark shade of black, just few minutes before it was full and bright like it should be at this time, no clouds can be seen in the sky. Not did he think much of it since his mind has it's roots on something else or someone. She was on his mind every single day, every single second of the day, her face, her laugh, her hair, her skin, her eyes, her lips, her body.

All of it swirls in his mind, not that he minds, he likes it. Suddenly loud noises can be heard all around the workshop, The Winter Guardian jumps frightened of the noise that surprised him. He thought that he was all alone awake at this time, it is so late that everyone should be asleep at this time of the night. He stands up from the window seat and rushes out to see what was going on, right before he opens the door he hears the noise again but louder this time. Confused of what is happening he opens the door and looks around, everything is dark in the hallway but he can see the other guardians coming out from their rooms as well to see what and where the noise came from, since they are five in that hallway there is only one way that noise could have come from. Elsa. That was the only thing in his mind right now. There goes that noise again and just like the second time it was even louder and much closer than before. The other four guardians seems to have put the puzzle back together and realized that noise came from the hallway Elsa is.

Every soul in the workshop seemed to be in a hurry in that hallway to get to the Snow Queen, they knew in their hearts that she was in trouble and knew they had to get to her before it would be to late. Everyone knew that there would be no possible way that the Snow Queen was not the one making the noise. The closer they get to her bedroom, they hear a horse which could only mean The Lord of Darkness is here, making his move. That made the Winter Guardian worry for his love. He could not allow her to be taken again from him. Once they reach the Snow Queen's bedroom the door is closed but they rush in anyway. The room was dark and the window closed but not a soul inside. The bedroom was completely empty. The poor Winter Guardian flew out from the room and into the globe room where he is met with a surprise. The other Guardians follow close behind him and are to very surprised of what they see. In the globe room is The Lord of Darkness standing with the most wicked smirk you've ever seen.

The room has been completely destroyed by black sand. Every furniture in million pieces around the room. "What ever is the meaning of this?" The Guardian of wonder booms his question out to the Lord of Darkness but that did not affect him at all. He remained in the same spot with the same wicked grin. They knew that he was after two things and he would never stop until he gets what he wants. "This place needed a little bit of decorating, beside North it was not I who is responsible for the mess that has been made here" As he speaks, he takes few steps closer their way. The Guardians know that if it was not him that destroyed everything then there is only one person who could have done it. The name is in their heads but non of them refuse to speak out loud about it. "Why don't you show yourself my dear, I think they'll be happy to see you" They all hoped it would not be her, the one they wished it was not but wishes sometimes do not come true and at his moment their hopes and wishes come crashing down when they hear a evil laugh behind them.

The Guardians instantly knew who it was standing behind them. The Winter Spirit looks first and he can not believe his eyes of what he is seeing. The other Guardians do as he does, look at the person they once knew and is now chanced perhaps forever. The Snow Queen is dressed in all black, her eyes black, her hair, even her lips has transformed into a dark black color. They knew she has been turned evil and no hope was left for the girl that once had the kindest heart. "Hello Guardians" she can't hide that evil grin and laughs as she makes her way over to The Lord of darkness. They disappear into the shadows leaving the guardians with a heavy heart. Tears stream down the cheeks of the Winter Guardian, he cries for his love, for he believes that she is not all gone and is suffering in endless Darkness with no escape. The other Guardians know that she is gone. The only thing everyone can hope for is that she will return to the light and become the person she was meant to be, but at what cost shall that be?

My Husband's Enemy (Jelsa)[2]✔️Where stories live. Discover now