Chapter 8

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My Husband's Enemy

{Chapter 8}


We were about to kiss, I can not believe that I am about to kiss the one and only Jack Frost. Then Pitch appeared behind Jack and I remembered the plan that we made, or I made. The plan was to get Frost head vulnerable, no matter what. I think I have succeeded perfectly. Since he thinks that I am actually in love with him, will guess what I am not. He is pathetic. I back away slowly with an evil grin on my face, it is so easy to trick him. I can not believe this is the second time that I have tricked him with the same trick. He has fallen for it so often and I am so sure that no matter how often I do it he will always be trapped in my trap. "You really think I can love you. News flash buddy, I am happily married" I tell him as I raise my hand and make an icicle.

I threw it at him but he dodged it easily. I must try harder. He may be an idiot but he is good at fighting. Santa has him trained more than others since he has powers. He may have ice powers but he will never beat me in a fight. I am trained a lot better than all the guardians together, besides I have powers which gives me the advantage of winning. I will win either way even if he tries to fight, he has no hope of winning right now and he claims to be 'in love with me'. His love is just fake just like him. I create a blizzard around us to distract him, he can't see for all the snow, he is really confused. I go behind him while he is still looking for me. I laugh at him. He is so weird, and very handsome.

Wait where the hell did that come from, he is not handsome, wait he is handsome. No he isn't. I need to stop thinking about this, he is the enemy and I am suppose to fight him not fall at his feet in love. I think I am the idiot now. I need to get my head straight.I shoot him with my ice and he falls down. Score one for me and zero for him. He doesn't even try to fight back. He is such a loser. I thought that he would fight back since he has been trained but no he doesn't fight back. I wonder if he can't or won't fight me. Either way he is an easy pray. "Elsa please don't do this" he says still on the ground. "I know there is good in you, I know you are not like this" he continues. I snicker at him.

"Clearly you don't know me as well as you think you do" I tell him with venom as I kick him, I don't need my magic all the time, I can be very strong. He groans in pain. "Come on now, fight me" I command him, this isn't fun if he doesn't fight me. Even Sandman fought back with everything he had, why doesn't Frost head? "I will never fight you, Elsa. I love you to much to harm you" he says with so much sadness but I do not care, he can cry all he want but that will never get to me. I lower the blizzard that was going crazy around us. That's better. "Fight me coward" I yell at him. He doesn't even move, like a doll. Can't I at least have a little fun, Sandman was to easy to defeat and now I want some action. He isn't giving me what I want.

I really thought this was gonna be fun but I am not having fun right now, I am getting pissed at him. My ice turns a little yellow, that happens when I am angry. Now everyone can see that I am very mad at him and he isn't fighting back, that is not fair. I thought he was the only guardian who actually is willing to fight back, I guess I was wrong. "Elsa, listen to me, this is madness. I know you are the most kindest person in the world, I know you're hurt but I can fix it" he says as he stands up, surrendering himself. I was hoping to have an epic battle, I guess that will never happen. "I don't need you to fix me, I am happy the way I am, I am happy that I married Pitch. And you nor anyone can chance that" I tell him cruelly but who cares.

We are enemy's after all. "Just remember one thing, I will always love you even if your evil" he says as I make ice cuffs and cuff his hands. Now he can not use his powers, I take his staff away from him so he can't use the wind to fly away, now he is my prisoner. "I'm not evil, I am heartbroken. There is a difference between these two words" I tell him. I am not like Pitch, even if he is my husband I know that he is evil but that does not mean I am evil. "Any last words before you black out and spend eternity in darkness" I tell him with smile on my face. He is getting what he deserves, all of them are. That is something I will celebrate forever. "I love you" he says, he was about to say thing else but I did not let him speak more words. I freeze him head to toe in seconds. He is now just an ice cube. "I'm so proud of you my beautiful wife" Pitch says as he appears from the shadows. He was watching me the whole time and he helped me when I was going out of the plan I created, he didn't like that plan at all but it did work. Now we only got to put them in their cells.

My Husband's Enemy (Jelsa)[2]✔️Where stories live. Discover now