Chapter 1

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My Husband's Enemy

Chapter 1

Jack Frost

It has been two days and I am the only one who has unfrozen, the other guardians are still frozen in block of ice and no matter what I do I can never melt the ice. I haven't figured out why I was the only one who was frozen for only few minutes, I don't know if Elsa wanted to do that or if it was a mistake she made. Something tells me that she never wanted to harm me or anyone, she is hurt. And I know that Elsa's emotions can control her and not the other way around, I know for a fact that she never truly meant any of this at all. Elsa is kind hearted person and never means any harm to anyone, that adds to the list I love about Elsa, that list just keeps getting longer and longer, it never seems to end. Well there is nothing I don't like about Elsa, well she did marry the wrong guy but that is it, other wise I love every single thing about her, even every flaw she has.

Manny is the only one who did not get frozen in ice, or I least I think so. He was in the room when Elsa froze us, for some odd reason she looked at me and him with the most sad look every. I need to know what is the deal with them two, I know that Manny is to old for Elsa, I sometimes see them talking to each other like they have known each other for a very long time. It's strange, it's like they have a connection that I don't understand at all, but then again I never understand anything about Elsa. She one hell of a mysterious person and sometimes I hate it. Why can't this whole thing be much simpler for me? For us? For everyone? Sometimes my mind can't handle this whole thing at once. I wish things would go back just they where before all of this happened to me and to the guardians. But I have never regretted meeting Elsa, she is the only good thing that has come out of this.

I sit by the window seat and watch outside, I put on my hood on. I tough the glass with my pinkie and my ice starts to form on it, I make it form Elsa, I can never get enough of her and I like that. Some even say that I am obsessed with her, or mostly kangaroo says that. I kind of miss having the guardians around, and Elsa. I miss begin able to pull a prank on someone, how long are they going to be stuck frozen for? We have a lot to solve and now we have no idea what Pitch is planning now that Elsa is gone, she was our only resource on Pitch. And I know that Pitch has something else planned for us since we practically hurt his wife and I'm pretty sure he doesn't take that nicely. So I alone could be aspecting some kind of attack any time soon, in my free time I train for some surprise attach that I might or might not expect.

"You know it's not very healthy for you to stay like this for a long time" A familiar voice says beside me, I turn around and see Manny standing there, did he know that I needed help or what? I guess it is true what they say about him, that he can sense that someone does need him and he comes right away. I never knew that these rumors were true, before always when I needed to talk to him, he never answered my calls. "Don't really care about that" I mumble to him, I turn back to the window and loom outside. "You don't have to care, but I have information that you care about" he tells me, I hear him take a chair a sit down. That sentence does interest me, again I turn to look at him, he doesn't look the best either, just like me. Well I look even more horrible than him, I look worse than anyone really and I couldn't care less about it.

"What is it?" I ask him, I try not to get my hopes up until I know that I do want to hear this whatever he has to say to me. A part of me want to hear him out but the other one wants to sit here and stare out the window. "It's about Elsa" he tells me. My eyes widened when I hear Elsa's name. This is the kind of things that I want to hear about but still not hear about at the same time, if that even makes sense at all. "What about Elsa? do you know where she is? How's she is doing? Is she all right? Is she still upset?" I stop myself from rambling more, I don't want to fill him with questions yet, he wants to tell me something so I should let him. "All of these questions are not the ones I can answer. For now I am going to tell you something that will be hard for you to understand" Manny says, so he doesn't know where Elsa is or if she is all right or how's she is doing.

I knew he wanted to tell me something but I never knew that it would be something so much and so large information that not even I would understand this, why can't North be here? He is much better at this than I am, he can take information from others and understand it completely than tell someone else about it in much simpler way. Sometimes I like that but sometimes I feel like he is talking to me like I am a child or something and I am definitely not a child. "Let's start at the very beginning...

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