Chapter 17

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My Husband's Enemy

Chapter 17

Jack Frost

Elsa looks so beautiful as she tries to get everyone to listen to her, she is so sexy when she is in control, which turns me on so much. She opens the book and just stares the first page with a smile on her face, something tells me that this is the book that can save us. I may not know what she is looking at since she seems to be in some kind of a trance or something. Finally she comes to her senses and shows what she was looking at. It is a picture, a very unique picture. The guardians and Pitch are on this picture and it looks like they are friends or something, this couldn't get any crazier can it? I'm pretty sure it can. "Can anyone explain this?" Elsa asks, I know she is not asking me because I wasn't part of the guardians at that time or whenever this is. I look at the others and their jaws are open, I know now that they are hiding something, something very big. I just hope they tell us since I am very curious. I always knew that they were hiding something from me but I never knew that it was this big.

North steps closer to Elsa, I think that he is going to explain this whole thing to us. Finally someone who actually wants to explain the whole situation to me and Elsa, I feel like me and her are out of the group, we don't know as much as they do. "You see, there was a time where we were all friends" North began explain but not very well I might say he isn't getting to the paint very fast. My curiosity is driving me mad and by the looks of it, it is the same for Elsa. It is not our fault that we are perfect together, we even are curious at the same time. I'm so in love. Elsa gives him the 'really, I had no idea' look with a hint of sarcasm in it. To me it sounds like he is stalling for some unknown reason but I don't he will do that unless he does have a plan or he is up to something. No I don't think so. There is no way he would try to do something, and I know that Elsa would never allow something like that, right?

"Let me tell the tale, it started a long time ago. We all were best friends, the picture was painted at that time. Then the man in moon decided to form a spell on me cursing me on the same time. I thought I was gonna die but I turned into something else. After awhile I begin to feel other people's fear, it burned my head and mind, I thought I was going crazy, I wanted to die but the fear of others kept me alive and for that they have been for centuries now" Pitch says. I had no idea that the man in moon did all that, the bigger question is why? This is getting far to complicated for me to handle, I look at Elsa and see that she is also trying to process this all. I'm guessing she never knew this, that he ex-husband was once friends with the guardians, I know that I find that hard to believe. "All right since we got that covered why don't I just get one with the book and read it before another fight happens here and destroys everything in it's path" Elsa says finally after a moment of silence.

"Here says:
Six people,
Will face evil,
With the demon,
Looking for freedom,
And no equal.

A brave leader,
Will face the creature,
There is no believer,
To take down the freezer."

Elsa reads from the book. everyone looks puzzled and so am I. I have no idea what she is reading. "It's a prophecy but about what is the question?" She asks but she is more asking herself. I see it in her eyes, she wants to figure this out on her own. She wants to be the hero. I know she is trying to be something more than she is but sometimes she needs help, Elsa is not the kind of person who asks for help from someone, everyone needs help sometimes. Elsa flips through the book. "everything else is in a different language, I can't understand it so now it is my job to figure this prophecy out so you can all stop this nonsense and we can all get on with our life's, now shut up so I can think" she says getting very frustrated at this. I know that I am to, I don't want to be stuck here while Elsa is over there, I want to be Elbe to help and comfort her.

She needs it. "Wait a minute six people, the guardians plus me facing Pitch which is the evil one in this, the demon is probably the nightmare horses. We are fighting for the freedom of the world and non of us are equals. I don't know who is a brave leader, and I think the creature is again Pitch, no offense Pitch. But I don't understand what the last two sentences" she says trying to put everything together, like her I don't get the last two sentences but that is all right, I mean it shouldn't matter right? "I'm going to lower the walls and you are not gonna do anything, if you do then you'll be leavening here in small ice cubes that really hurt" Elsa says very threatening. When she takes the walls down I run straight for her ad hug her very tight, I have no idea why I did that but I know that we both like it. We like begin in each other's arms. "I will be back for my wife" Pitch says and disappear in thin air.

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