Chapter 7

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My Husband's Enemy

{Chapter 7}

Jack Frost

I am sitting on a rooftop thinking of a way to get Elsa on our side and be mine forever, I have not found a way, yet but I fill. The thing that I have figured out is that it is hard to charm this girl. All right it is very difficult to charm a married girl but I will not stop until I have her as my own. She is the girl of my dreams, the one I have been looking for my whole life and I will never stop until she is in my arms. Besides she won't last very long with Pitch, she will realize that he is bad and for real this time and she will come running into my arms where I will be waiting for her, waiting for her to see that she has and always has been mine. Elsa will love me and forget about Pitch once and for all, If only I can find a very good plan to get her to be with me which I am failing at but that isn't going to stop me.

I ain't going to give up this easily, if I would then I would not be worthy of begin her boyfriend and soon to be husband. I notice that Sandy's dream sand isn't around here like it should be, maybe he is just running a little late. It happens to the best of us. I let the wind take me wherever, I need to find the best idea, I may only have one chance and I don't want to blew it. I have always been the one to mess up everything in my life but every since I met Elsa I knew I wasn't messing it up with that. I am to the one who believes in fate but at this moment I kind of believe that it was fate meeting Elsa. It was love at first sight, for me at least. All right now I am turning into some love sick puppy which I am not. I feel the cold wind hit my skin and I know that Elsa is near, she is the only one who can make me feel cold when I am the winter spirit.

I look around me to see if I can spot Elsa somewhere, My heart starts to race. I am gonna see her again. That makes me super happy. "I see her walking on a street, she looks so beautiful. The light from the moon is on her and she looks like a goddess. There isn't even a word that can describe her, even if she is just in her ordinary dress. "Elsa" I say, she is smirking, I wonder what she wants. Elsa is the type of girl that is very mysterious and her smirk doesn't say a lot of what she has on her mind, no one knows. She is the kind of girl that shows everyone what she is feeling inside. "Frost head" she says mocking me. Now I know she wants some kind of a trouble but what? She doesn't give away much now? She just continues to walk to me, I just stand there frozen, not knowing what to do.

She is a queen before me and I am her knight, her wish is my command. And for whatever reason she is here, I will make sure she gets what she wants, first I need to know what she wants. When she is few feet's away from me I ask her. "What do I owe this pleasure, M'lady?" I ask her, I can see a little red go into her cheeks. She is blushing. Wait, I just made the girl of my dreams blush. That means there at least little hope for us. "I just want to talk I have been thinking about what we are for some time and I just want to clear the air with you so I know what we are, if we are even an 'us'" she says and her words make me very happy, she is finally accepting me. Maybe I don't need a plan at all. I can see it in her eyes that I am warming up to her and I am going to continue to do so until she is mine. Like I have told before I am not gonna stop until I have her.

And now I have a chance with her and I am going to use it wisely. "What am I to you?" I ask her, I need to get this straight before I tell her my feelings and blab all my heart out to her. Somehow I wouldn't be able to be alive if she doesn't love me like I do her. She is the one who makes me feel alive. The first time in forever I finally feel alive when she is near me. "I think that I love you but it is different from Pitch. I only married him because I was afraid of what he might do to me and over the year I learned to lie to myself how I felt about him but when I am with you I just feel whole again, like there has something been missing in my life and that hole wasn't filled until I met you. I love you Jack Frost" She says, my eyes widen. She loves me, she actually loves me. For real. This is the best day of my life.

I finally have her in my life and now she is mine, I guess I didn't need a plan after all. "I love you to Elsa" I tell her as I take her waist and take her closer to me. She gasps a little. I lean in to kiss her and she does to. I can not believe I am about to kiss the love of my life. Just when our lips are about to touch she backs away with an evil smirk on her face.

My Husband's Enemy (Jelsa)[2]✔️Where stories live. Discover now