Chapter 15

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My Husband's Enemy

Chapter 15


Pitch and all his rage are standing near the big globe, that is in the middle of the room. I think now is the perfect time to freak out, and that is exactly what all of us are doing, especially me. Now that I know that he is only here to get me makes me very nervous, I don't want to go back to him. I am finally becoming truly happy in my life, and that is with Jack, perhaps with the guardians to but I know that there will be a long time until they would trust in me, I know how they are. I back a little, to be closer to Jack. Never in my life have I been this afraid of Pitch, never have I seen him this angry in my entire life. For some reason I kind of like that he is doing this much just to find me and bring me home with him, but on the other hand I know that he is evil and does things that aren't good, besides I love Jack. I know this is unfair on Pitch but I can not help my feelings at all. No one is able to control their feelings.

"Elsa if you don't come with me then they will take the fault for it, and I won't be nice" he says through his gritting teeth, that only tells us that he is super angry. When is he nice to them? I know that he was going do something evil to all of them, but I have never seen him playing nice to them. Has he been playing nice this whole time because that would be so strange if he did that before. "Pitch, listen to me" I tried but he ignored me completely, he is just to focused on the guardians and how to destroy them for real this time. For some strange reason, I can't think of a thing that the guardians ever did to him. It is like he decided that he hated them, just out of blue, maybe if I figure out how this all started then maybe I can put an end to all of this, the only problem is that I have no idea where to find the truth, Pitch never wanted to tell me when I asked him. Maybe I can find a book that may tell me how this all began in the first place.

All I have to do no is slip away from here and into the great library, North has the biggest library in the entire world, surely there must be something in there that can help us, since no one really is paying attention to me this will be easy. Pitch and the guardians are just fighting with words, I don't even bother to listen to them. I slowly open the door that is behind me, and I slip out then I close the door hoping that no one heard me. I walk into the library and begin to search for a book to help me, this can take some time since this library is so big and I have no idea what I am looking for. In the library at Pitch' castle I could just say the name of the book and it would float it's way to me until I have it in my hands, that could be very good to have right now since I am in a little hurry to save everyone. It must be here somewhere, the only question is where the hell is it hiding?

I hear something crash and I now know that I don't have a lot of time now since they have begun to fight for reals, this is bad, really really bad. They are destroying each other in there and I could be the only one to stop all this for good. I look high and low everywhere without any success. Maybe I should just give up on this all, perhaps there isn't any book on what happened, which makes me frown a lot. A tear slips down my cheek from my eye, I sit down on the floor, I have given up on this. I haven't even searched the whole library and I give up. I just have to accept the fact that there is nothing I nor anyone can do to stop this fight, they are going to battle to the end and no one wants to lose, no one is going to give up. I hate to see everyone like that, I may not love Pitch anymore but that doesn't mean that I don't care about him, and over the few weeks I have been with them I have learned to care about them and I can not forget Jack. He is the love of my life.

Something shiny catches my eye and I look around to find what that is, it is in a corner that is very dark, it has no lights. I didn't even see it before, I stand up and walk over there. Shelves with a lot of dust are all over this corner, I guess this is the place where North keeps the trash book, in other words the books that no one uses anymore. I make a blue light out of snow to see the books, and to see what I am doing. the shiny thing continues to shine but now only much brighter that before. I find it and it is a crystal from a book. I take the book out of the shelf it is on, I blow the dust away and read what it says. The guardian history. Oh my god I think I just found what I am looking for, or maybe I should say that the book found me, that would be the right thing to say. I really hope this book can save the guardians and Pitch from all of this and but an end to the fight that has been around for centuries.

My Husband's Enemy (Jelsa)[2]✔️Where stories live. Discover now