Chapter 9

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My Enemy's Wife

{Chapter 9}

Jack Frost

I wake up on a stone floor, I look around a see I am in a room that is made of stone and rocks. On one wall there are bars, wait bars? I stand up and walk to the bars. I touch one of the bars and it burns my finger. "What the" I whisper to myself . "Jack" I hear North yell and then I hear Tooth yell it. Without touching the bars I look around, I see that North, Tooth, bunny and sandy are locked up in cells just like I am but each one of them are different cells. My cell is ice proof, I can't use my ice power but I can fly but I can not fly without my stick and my stick has been taken away from me. Bummer right? North's cell is just normal but no wonder can get in. Bunny's cell is full of snow since he hates the snow and no colors just like all of the cells here. Tooth's cell is filled with bad memories. Sandy's cell is filled with black sand.

"Where are we?" I ask all of them. They look they know the answer and they probably know a lot more than I do since I woke up the last. I don't even know that they were asleep but I am guessing that they were other wise it would be impossible to bring them all here. I mean we always fight back, or almost all of us. "Pitch and...Elsa attacked all of us, they were so fast. We couldn't fight it anymore, when we woke up, we where here in these cells. This is made of the same thing that kept Luna, Pitch sister here locked up for centuries. There is no way out for us, I'm sorry all for saying this but we have failed the children of the world" North says to all of us. I look at the other and I see that they have lost hope too, I think I have too. I mean we could be stuck here for who knows hoe long. Luna was here for centuries before Pitch broke her out of here. We could be stuck here for centuries since no one will get us out of here.

What if there is no one that wants to set us free. I guess no more fun for me and no more snow day for the kids. The guardians mean so much to the children and our job mean so much to us. I love making snow days and having fun but now I may never have that so maybe it is best that I just lose my hope to. "Did Elsa play a big part in this?" I ask them. I don't want the girl I am in love with to be evil. Evil doesn't really fit her, goodness fits her. Elsa was the one attacking me but I know that if Pitch would not been this easy on me like Elsa. I know that she wasn't fighting her best. Somewhere deep inside her she as a nice spot for me and everyone, there is good in her but she just has to embrace it and begin with Pitch doesn't really help her at all. If I can get out of here I would get Elsa away from Pitch so she can be good.

I may be stuck here for a long time but I will never give up on Elsa and I will never give up on my love for Elsa. She is the love of my life and who would I be if I give up on love and give up on Elsa. "She did, but it wasn't her fault. Pitch is changing her and not for the good. She is slowly changing into something evil and that is what I am afraid of. An element magic turning evil, she could freeze the universe or worse. I don't know what she would do if she turns completely evil. But I do know one thing that can stop that change, Jack I saw it. I saw the love in her eyes, in north your eyes. she loves you for real but she doesn't realize it" Tooth says. Maybe I haven't lost hope after all. I always knew that Elsa loved me for real and now I am hearing it from a girl that Elsa does love me that makes me believe that there is hope.

The only problem is that I am lock up here and Elsa is out there in the world with Pitch and she is growing more evil each day and I can not let this happen. I need to get out of here somehow. I have already tried the bars, they burn. Unfortunately there is no window here or any light. The only light I have is the light outside the cells. I sit down on the floor trying to come up with an amazing plan to get out of here. But always when I am thinking my mind wanders off to think about Elsa. Did she mean what she said before that she does love me? Now that I think about it, there was something behind me words, I think she was pretending not to care when she actually does care, she really does love me and I have been so stupid for not realizing it sooner. When I get out of here I will make it up to her, and I will beg on my knees if I have to only to get her to accept me.

I hear heavy metal door open and then footsteps but I don't know who is here. I stand up and walk to the bars but I am careful not to touch them since I really don't want to get burned. I see the person that came through the door, the person stops right at my self and is watching me. "Enjoying your stay, Jack Frost"

My Husband's Enemy (Jelsa)[2]✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin