Ch 44

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Adam's P.O.V

     I woke up and I was being dragged threw the woods. As I wake up the more pain I feel. Rocks that scraped my skin, sticks that gave me some light and harsh scrapes and scratches, dirt that goes in my wounds making it sting, and my loving parents are here dragging me by my hair.
     This is why I want to kill people, all they do is hurt others. I swear one day I'm going to kill them, then kill everyone else who has hurt others, and the only one who will live is me and ella. Everyone else will worship us in our own society, I will be her king and she will be my queen! "Oh look the little b**tard is awake" I hear my dad spits letting it drip with venom. My mom who was dragging me drops me, making my head bang agents the floor.
     I was in to much pain to do anything so I just stayed still. My mom walked to the side of me and stomped hard on my stomach. I rolls to my side and curled up into a ball, as tears filled my eyes. They continued to drag me by the hair to some cabin...or some s**t, wait are they going to kill me?!

Ella's P.O.V

    It was pitch black around me.....there was no sound, no people, no items. It was, in an empty void I just stood there. After a while of looking/walking around I saw a light. A light that looked like it came from a hole in the roof, but under that light I saw a girl. She kinda looked about in her 20's, she wore a black top, jeans, and had her hair up in a bun.
     "H-hello?...." I ask walking up to her. Once I was about a good few feet away I stop, I go to reach out to her but she then spoke. She said "let's skip the pleasantries, I'm going to make you an.....offer. You have two choices, yes and no. Then offer is that I help you out of this place and let you live your dream life, or you can stay here with me.....forever."
    She spoke in a low, mellow, calm, slow voice. The voice echoed around me, almost like a ghost or a robot or something. I pause thinking about what she's saying and thinking about what to say, do I agree or decline her offer? Where are we? Is this a dream? I have so many questions running threw my mind!
     "I don't have all eternity......yes or no?" She says as her patients runs thin. "You me got out of this whole kidnapping mess? And the thing with Seth and Blake?" I question kinda not trusting her. She nods "yes that is correct" I squint at her "what's in it for you? What do you want?" I cross my arms and she says "nothing I just want to be free like you. I didn't do it before because it takes two people to escape"
     I think about it as she says "tick tock" I take a deep breath and say "fine I'll accept your offer, but I don't trust you.........what do we need to do?" She stands there, her skin gets dirtier, and she slowly turns to me. What I saw was terrifying

      "You don't have to do anything, all the work will be all on me, and in the end" she grabs my arm, digging her nails in my skin "You will be my new body" I open my mouth to scream but the scream gets stuck in the back of my throat, as I feel ...

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      "You don't have to do anything, all the work will be all on me, and in the end" she grabs my arm, digging her nails in my skin "You will be my new body" I open my mouth to scream but the scream gets stuck in the back of my throat, as I feel a heavy presser on my chest "forever........" the girl finishes and everything goes black.

Mike's P.O.V

     I let out a sigh as I look at Ella, you would think she would be up after a few hours but you'd be wrong. I hear foot steps come from the back of the house. In a panic I pick up Ella and quietly run into a closet, 'stupid idea'? I know. I hear some mumbled talking and then that mumbles talking turned into yelling. A few thuds can be herd here and there with more yelling. Curious I leave Ella there and quietly goes to check what's going on. When I peer around the corner I see a male and a female beating the s**t out of some kid.
   With out thinking I say "hey leave him alone!" Once the words left I slapped my hand over my mouth. The stop and look over at me, the man pulling out a gun and aiming it at me. I put my hands up meaning no harm. "Who the h*ll are you? And why are you here?" The female asked reminding me of rida. "I'm...mike...and I'm here because,.......because,-" I stop not knowing to tell them or lie. "Because what" the male spat.
    I may regret this later but "because I kidnapped someone, there in a closet right now. And if you rat me out I will to and we'll all go to jail." The man lowers his gun and says "prove it....if your losing we'll have to kill you" I nod and drag Ella out to them. They both looked impressed but the kid looked shocked and worried. I give my full attention to him, he looks at me and give me a death glare. "Y-you ba** ba**ard!" He yells at me making the woman kick him in the stomach then face.
   "Shut the F*CK up you pice of S**T!" She says voice dripping with venom. The boy whispers Ella's name and then passes out. The guy blinks making the impressed expression chances in to an angry one "say isn't that the b**ch who told us that she didn't know where Adam was?" The woman then got the same expression and says "your right, she's the one who probably told the cops about us!"
      This can not be good.....Ella then started shaking making me look at her. She then screams, rolls on her back arching it, tenses up, and her bones crack. I mumble a curse word and looks for something to gag her with. I take off my shirt and shove it in her mouth. Once I did that she stoped and tried to inhale air, her eyes open and they are super wight, all wight in that matter! She then started levitating into the air as blood came out of her eyes.

This is not good

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