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Ella's P.O.V

     I ended up falling asleep on the couch waiting for Blake to come back. I slowly woke up feeling warm and comfortable witch was strange because I was cold before. My eyes shot open when I feel someone move next to me and I saw Blake. He was asleep cuddling me and I was cuddling him 'WHAT THE H**L?!' I thought and tried to get out of his cuddles. He shifted and I froze scared if I woke him up. He just turned over and sighed still asleep.
   I jumped out of the bed and went down stairs. My stomach growls and I head to the kitchen and look around. 'I'm I allowed to eat? Will I get in trouble? Should I wait?' I thought debating whether or not to get something to eat. What felt like hours I finally decided that I cook something for both of us. But then I herd a voice ask "what are you doing?" Hesitantly I turned around and saw Blake shirtless and only in boxers. I ran off flustered and scared into another room and locked it.
    I sighed and looked around the room. It was a decent sized room, a king sized bed, walk in closet, a walk in bathroom, and the room looked romantic. When I mean by "it looked romantic" I meant roses/rose petals all over, the room smelt nice, and when I attempted to turn on the lights it was dimly lighted. Then it hit me like a train and I blushed more and was scared but I needed proof to confirm that.
      I saw a radio and a night stand near the bed and walks over to them. I turned on the radio (more like a stereo) and loud romantic music starts playing and I turn it of quickly. I look at the nightstand scared to open it. But before I can I here nocking  on the door following the nock I here "Ella come out please." Blake says calmly. I take a quick peek and just as I thought. I quickly closed it as Blake said "come on I'm wherein close I'm sorry" embarrassingly. I went out and saw a full dressed Blake crossing his arms looking a bit mad. 'Uh oh.......' I thought to myself thinking that I wasn't supposed to see that room. He then grabbed me walking into the room with me.


CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!! Muhahaha I'm evil*coughs* hey guys sorry about that and sorry for not updating I'm sick,I have school, blah blah blah nag nag nag. But yeah here it is so like always please if you have any questions comments and or concerns please let's know and I'll try to get to them ASAP! So bye for now guys :)

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