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Seth's P.O.V

     I took my bad to the bathroom all disgusted. "F**king Blake and his f**king friends and" I mumbled and I tried to take out everything with out touching any of the vomit or lady things. Good thing I have a teacher who likes me for this period so he won't be to mad.......hopefully. I just hope Ella will be ok. I'm so happy we have the same classes and the class we have right now is theater. The down side of that is some of Blake's friends are in there.....and Ella is alone. AND HERE I AM TRYING TO CLEAN OUT MY BACKPACK!!!!!!!
    I left my bag in the bathroom, washed my hands, and ran the the theater. I burst through the door getting everyone's attention even the teachers. "Oh Seth there you are. Do you have a pass or an excuse?" He asked me but I replied with "sorry Mr." I didn't want to say it was Blake out loud because his friends where glaring at me. I walked over to Mr. Ives and whispered "it was Blake and his friends" and he just nodded. "I see....well I'm sorry to here about that. I hope your family will be well." Mr. Ives mumbled to me and I just nodded and walked up the stage. Blake's friends rolled their eyes and talked. This is why I like him! Because if it's something about Blake I just have to whisper it to him and he will come up with an excuse for me.
      Mr. Ives walked up to the stage and said "Seth since you where late I have to partner you up with....." he looked down at his paper"with sadly Britney" I looked at him confused "and this is for.....what exactly?" Hopping today wasn't the day he was going to assign us partners and give us our own little scripts to act out. Mr. Ives sighed and said "for the script know the one where I give to and a partner a script and they act it out?" I looked at him confused and shocked. "B-but you said you'll partner me up with Ella.." I said but he replies with "yes but the priceable want me to give you two some distance.....just for this project then you can be on your marry way but...." I interrupted him "and how is Ella doing the project with?"
      What Mr. Ives says makes my blood boil "Ella will be with derrick" I clenched my fist and jaw. I hated derrick he was the biggest play boy ever, he's inappropriate, Blake's friend, and he's just derrick! I'm stuck with his s**t of a girlfriend and he has my Ella! I looked over at derrick, he has the script, makes his way over to Ella, and wraps an arm around her shoulders smiling. I clenched my jaw and fist harder until I saw white. I relaxed a bit and saw Mr. Ives holding the script in front of my face and Britney next to me. I took the script and looked at it but Britney started getting really REALLY close to me so I stepped away.
     She keeps getting close and I step away and she gives me an angry face "I'm just trying to see it" she snaps and I reply with "you can see it after I do" and that made her huff and cross her arms but I know that not what she was trying to do. I gave the script to her and looked over at Ella and derrick and saw derrick looking at Ella up and down bitting his lip. He looked at me and smirked and said out loud for everyone to here "man Ella I can't believe we got this love script!" He takes the script from her hands"there sure are a LOT of holding hand, hugging, AND I see a kiss seen!" Once he Finished saying that he looked over at me.
   Ella took the script and said "Mr. Ives can I get a new partner?" But he shook his head no and says "it's a fake one on the cheek you should be fine" and continued what he was doing. I was trying not to go punch derrick in the face while his girlfriend gives Ella a dirty look. I gave an angry sigh and took the script back seeing that ours is a party and where the populars. Why can't we just change scripts and partners then everything will be better.

Ella's P.O.V
    I went to theater but Seth wasn't following me. That was odd because he dose all the time but I guess it is good to have a brake. The down side is that Blake's friend is in the class and I got partnered up with him for the script. And it was the same friend who is in on the plan and he his being clingy and weird. Later on Seth came in class all mad and was told that I wasn't his partner and he was with someone else. He was so mad and getting overprotective it started to scare me because well he's Seth. He will do anything for me even probably kill! I have until 11:30 to tell Joe about the plan or whatever's you want to call it.

~time skip~

       The bell rang and before I was going to leave with Seth Blake's friend stoped me "why don't we practice after school?" He asked when I was about to reply Seth picked me up and said "thanks but no thanks she's good now leave and don't bug her ever agin" and walked off with me. This is another reason I got scared because he gets very clingy if he's jealous or wary of people. I'm still not use to affection so that's why I get scared because I don't want to get hurt..............and I don't know if I can trust him or not......

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