Ch 39

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Seth's P.O.V

     Joe came and listened to my side of the story, then Adams for some reason, and then left. Once he came back he said we need to stay here until we figure this stuff out. Me being me I objected because I want and need to find Ella. But joe doesn't listen and leaves locking the door behind him. I let out a sigh and grabbed two fist full of hair pulling it, putting my head on the table that's in the room.
    Adam just looked at my like I was crazy but what else is new he doesn't like me....and I don't like him.......and now where stuck in the same room together. All I can think about is ella......I want to know where she is, if Blake has her, if she's ok.........what is she isn't ok, what is Blake didn't take her this time, what is we never find her!
    "Hey" I heard Adams annoyed voice spit at me "I'm worried to but do you see me acting like a freak" I look at him in disbelieve and say "you don't know her as long as I have so don't say anything" glaring at him. "Your right I haven't but I do know that she was the only one who saved me from my abusive parents, I know she had the same life as me, I know she's not scared that I'm a little homicide." He yells at me.
    "And that's why I didn't want you to stay! Because you might kill her or something like that! And you call me the freak?!" I shout back. Joe then walks in and looks at us. "Maybe I should separate you two as well......." I looked at joe about to say something but stoped my self knowing it was no good. Joe then took Adam away leaving me in silence.......

Adams P.O.V

    The police guy took me into a similar room but it was empty and left me there, locking the door so I wouldn't be able to go out. I sighed and went to sit in a corner, granted there was a chair but I like the floor better. Once I sat down I started to think what if they call my parents? Oh man if they do that I'm dead, but they wouldn't right?! I-I mean I told them they abused me.....w-will they put me in an orphanage?
    A lot of thoughts where running threw my head I just ended up worrying myself to sleep........

(Idk if that makes sense but oh well!)

Ella's P.O.V

     It's cold, dark, and quiet.......the only thing making sound is me, my sobs, my breath.......I'm useless I-I can't do anything. I just want to live by myself like a normal that to much to ask? I curl up in a little ball even tho it brought me more pain, but I want to try to cover my gross naked body.
   Mike took me out of the chair earlier but I think it's just a plan to have me escape so they can punish me more. Even tho it doesn't matter because no matter what they are still going to hurt me.........
     I heard the door open, I didn't bother to look knowing exactly who it was. I heard her evil giggle "you won't believe what I found on the dark web" she starts still walking to me. "Ok so" she stops and pulls something out of a weird box "it involves needled, syringes, liquids, and you. Since your stupid I will explain more, I will take a needle/syringe fill it with a liquid and stab it into you and see what it does" she says happy pulling out the syringes and vials of different color liquids.
     She picked up the syringe and put some red liquid in it. She smiles and grabs my arm and inserts the syringe letting the liquid travel threw my system. I was confused looking at my arm then rida until a sharp pain went threw out my body making me scream bloody murder. My body feels like it's on fire as demonic bugs crawl in my skin. Speaking if being in fire I then see fire on my body making me panic more.
    I tried to pat the fire but it seams to make matters worse. I start to hyperventilate when all of a sudden I choke on something, grabbing my neck trying to gasp for air I feel something crawl out of my mouth and fall in front of me. It was a big bug that looked like a spider, lobster, sea urchin, with praying mantis claws but it has spikes.
(The pic up top if you where wondering what that was but can you make it look more demonic plz? Thanks!)

    I look at it terrified as it crawls into the fire. I then see I was in a dark room but I was still on fire and in pain or corse. I feel more pain in my left arm I look down and see another one of those bugs start to tear threw my arm. I scream more and more as more bugs crawl out of me. I passed out from the pain into an dark dreamless sleep.......

I don't own the pic I just found it on google. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please let me know and I'll try to get to them ASAP. Also if you have a torcher method for poor Ella I will use it because I'm kinda running out of horror things for my kidnap horror story. Bye guys love you!❤️

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