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Seths P.O.V

I left Ella's "home" and started my surch for her. Most of you are probably thinking 'Seth what relationship do you have with her' well I meet Ella when we where little. I guess she forgot about me because I went up to her one day and she didn't remember me. Ever since the day I meet her and her "mother" I knew something was wrong. I've been her guardian angle ever since but now I can't find her!

Ella's P.O.V

Aging not gonna lie I kinda like being kidnaped. I washed my hands and thought 'she's probably not even looking for me. She didn't care for of corse not. I dried my hands and walked out of the bathroom to see Blake was still there waiting for me. A few seconds past and he finally looked at me and took me to the bacement aging. I walked around looking for something to do and I saw that there's a window. I got an idea! I wanna prank him I mean he didn't say anything about that and I'm not escaping so.
I looked for something to break the window and I found a rock. I chucked it at the window and it shattered making me have second thoughts. I herd him running to the door and I hide somewhere as he ran in the room seeing what happened. I peeked out of the hiding spot and looked at him panicking and run out and out the bacement and the front door. I ran out and sat on the sofa a bit scared on what he's going to do when he comes back. On the bright side he probably won't let me stay down there anymore......right?

Blake's P.O.V

She was standing at the bathroom door looking at me. I said nothing and took her back to the bacement, locking it, then left. Not after a few minutes I here something brake and I run down to the bacement to check on her. I saw a window was broken and she wasn't in the bacement. I panicked because I know she's gonna tell the cops and get me arrested! I ran out and looked for her but I couldn't! She was no where to be seen or found not even a single clue!

~time skip~

I walked back to my house unable to find her. I rubbed my face walking in my house to the living room. I walked in the living room and saw on the couch was a girl but not any girl it was Ella! I ran up to her and she was asleep curled up in a little ball. I sighed and picked her up taking her to my room laying her down under the blankets.
I watched her snuggle under the blankets and let out a sigh of happiness and smiled. I just sat there wondering what happened until she grabbed my waist. I looked at her shocked still seeing she was asleep and not knowing what to do I just later down. All she did was cuddle me and I just laid there not knowing what to do. Next thing you know I fall asleep and cuddling back....


Hey guys I'm back! Hope you enjoyed and I'm thinking about doing like a twilight thing but instead of Jacob and Edward it's Seth and Blake.......I don't know what do you guys think? But like always any questions comments or concerns please let me know and I'll get to the ASAP! Bye (^ ^)/

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