Ch 43

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Mike's P.O.V

Rida hung up on me when I was about to ask her a question. When I tried to call back it said the caller I'm trying to reach is unavailable. I sighed kinda scared to go down to get Ella, but I don't know who's worse. The thing down stairs or the thing at the bar getting arrested.........I say the thing getting arrested right now. With that I slowly open the basement door seeing Ella's silhouette at the bottom on the stairs. I carefully walk to her, when I think it's ok I grab her, and then walk to the car.
I opened the trunk, tied her hands and feet, taped her mouth, locked her in the trunk, and got all of rida's tools/ torcher devises. I get in the car and drive off wondering where to go.

Joe's P.O.V

Rida was quiet the whole ride there, making me think somethings up. I tried to question her but she just looked out the window. I sighed focusing on the road hoping nothing bad happened at the station. Once I got to the station I pulled rida out and walked her into her own room. I already confiscated all of her things like phone, keys, etc. etc.
I went to check on the boys and it was not good. Blake is crying, Seth looks like he's losing his mind, and Adam is gone. Fantastic! I go to the twins and ask what happened and from what they told me rose visited Blake and Seth then left all mad. So she probably got mad at Blake and Seth is just worried about Ella. Then the twins said Adams parents came to get him, and from what I herd that's not good.
I sighed and rubbed the temples on my head getting a head ace. Why me out of everyone else..... I got a sweet and innocent yandere, a punk who's caring for his younger sis, but dies inside once she hates him, a child killer, a possible uke, an abusive mothers and father, a little sis who is barely in this story making herself no use here, and me a police who sucks at their job.
Now I got to look for Ella and Adam. To be honest I trust Seth more, so maybe I'll take him out and walk with him somewhere. Hopefully he didn't losses his mind and try to attack me and get thrown back in the room. I walk into Seth's room and thanks the hand cuffs off him, making him confused as h*ll. "Your not off the hook, but I don't want to brake your sanity. Where going to go for a walk somewhere, ok?" I ask him making sure he understood what was going on.
      "D-do I look that messed up?" Seth asks and I nod. He adds on with "man.....Adam was right......." making me sigh and patted his back. He slowly got up and followed me to my car. Hopefully he doesn't run to Blake's room, or worse run to find Blake but finds rida. I'll try to deal with- well.....I don't know who to find first. If I sayAdam then rida probably sold ella for a s*x slave or might of killed her or have another person, told said person to take Ella, hide, and continue her dirty work for her until she's off the hook.
   Now if I say Ella Adam's parents might kill him before we even get to him. "Seth go to my car, here's the keys, I'm trusting you to not do something stupid." I said and handed him my keys. I then walked to co worker who I hopefully know will help. I tell him the issue and he said he will look for Adam. I thank him and go back to Seth sitting in my car.
     I sigh, thinking about retirement as I get into the car. I drive to the woods knowing a good hiking trail. Seth just looked out the window.

Mike's P.O.V

    As I was driving I remembered in the past I knew an abandoned cabin deep in the woods. Maybe I can take Ella there. I pull up to where I found a trail that took me to the cabin, got out, got Ella, and hoped she didn't wake up before we got there. I parked my car on a rode so the cabin is closer, it's way better than this one trail where you start in the front of the woods. But if you want some nice sensory and what not then you can go that way.
     After a while of walking and thinking, I see the cabin in the distance. I walk in threw the back door, because I guess the person who owned it forgot or something. Walking in I go to put Ella down in the living room. Once I put her down I do what is probably the stupidest move, but I untie her and sit on the floor across from her.

Joe's P.O.V

I pull up to the woods with that good trail. I grab a flash light and two waters, handing Seth one of the waters I get out of the car. Seth just sat there......doing nothing....... I sigh and go to help him out if the car. I mean I know his love is gone, but she never loved him making this relation ship one sided. One sided relation ships are never good.....especially if you just stalked your love with out them knowing, the "take/kidnap" them saying it was for their own good, and get caught up in this mess.
I drag Seth into the woods wishing he would cheer up, but it didn't so far. He's to busy thinking or worrying about Ella. "Seth....what do you even see in her?" I ask him making him look at me. "I mean you hardy know the girl. I mean sure she's cute and all but do you even really know her?" He stoped walking and glared at me.
     "Of corse I know her" He says making me ask "But how Seth? Because to me she didn't even know you, let alone like or love you and I'm not saying that to be mean" he cuts me off by yelling

   "Because we meet when we where kids! It's just that she doesn't remember....I remember tho and it was the happiest day of my life. I got away from my "dad", found a cool playground that no one went to, and then I saw her......she was crying. I thought she lost her mom but no she was like me, trying to get away from her parents. I went up to her she was even scared of me, but I told her it was ok and calmed her down. So we where both bruised children wanting to run away. As we talked I found out what she's allergic to, her age, her life story, and much much more. Sadly her mom came acting worried but failed as I tried to stop her from taking Ella away. Then my dad found me and I guess we both got the s**t beaten out of us. She must of been worse to forget about me.....but that's why I checked on her almost ever day/night. I was scared I was going to loose her, she was the only friend I made from the 17 years I've lived. I never connected with anyone like that so that's why I want to love and protect her..............and that's how I know her and I see a beautiful, kind, smart, funny girl who deserves a better life and not all this abuse, kidnapped, touchers life."

    Once Seth finished I was kinda shocked/surprised. I never knew that that was his point of view on things with her. I mean I kinda thought he was just a creepy stalker who made that whole thing of I just want to protect her. I sigh admiring defeat and continue walking "just try to clear your mind and try to enjoy the scenery." I say as Seth continues to follow me.

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