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Seth's P.O.V

Rose let me in the house and closed the door locking it. I looked around the house and I didn't see anyone else so I looked at Rose and asked"are you here by your self?" She nods yes. After she nods yes she also replies with "yeah I was waiting for Blake to come home because he left one night but he hasn't come back yet..........." looking down. I can tell she misses him.
    I mean if I had someone who loves and cares for me I would want them to come home asap. I came out of my thoughts when I herd rose sniff and rub her eyes. I put a hand on her shoulder and say "don't worry I'll help you look for him" giving her a reassuring smile. She looks at me and nods and I ask "do you know of any places where he might go or be at?" She thinks for a bit and shakes her head no. I think for a bit on how else we can find him then I thought about if he had a phone. "Doses he have a phone? If so we can use find my I phone." I ask and she says yes pulling out her phone and uses find my I phone. (Idk how to use find my I phone. 😐 sorry....) Some where in the town was his location but I don't want anything bad happening to rose so I tell her to stay here and I'll bring back her brother. Luckily she nods and stays home and I go to the location.

~time skip~

I reach the place where Blake is supposedly should be but it's just an abandoned house. But just before I can have second doubts I here a scream but not any ones scream Ella's scream.........

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