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Ella's P.O.V

    I panicked and thrashed around trying to make the person let go of me "we have some unfinished business.........."Lizzie" " I here a familiar voice say in my ear. I let out a muffled scream as he dragged me away  to the back of the school and behind some big bushes. Our school must really love plants because there's a lot of planters, trees, and bushes. Blake pushed me to the ground making me fall in my back, but since there was rocks there some of the sharp rocks went into my back making me yelp in pain. Blake smirked at me as some of the football players came out smirking as well. Blake let out a sigh and said "why can't Seth have one girlfriend and be happy? Instead of you he also has to have Darrick's, chuck's, Bruce's, boomer's, and.....well he had mine but...." he cut off and looked down as some of the football guys looked at me.
  Blake looked back at me "me and the boy aren't to happy about him taking our girls so we have to get him back and what better way threw you" he said pointing at me when he got to the you part. Blake looked at his friends and asked "what do you think we should do with her first?" With a smirk one of them replied "beat her up" another with "cut her" by now tears where forming in my eyes scared to here one certain response. Blake thought about it and said "what else we have to make Seth understand our message" the boys thought until one said "kidnap" and then another said "f**k her" but he actually meant r*pe her. Blake smiled and let out a sickening chuckle meaning he liked the plan. 
      Blake turned to me and said "tonight at 11:30 meet me at the park you like so much and leave a note saying you don't love Seth anymore and you where just using him. And that it was all an act. If not you don't want to see what happens" Blake threatens and walks away with his jock. I cried and curled up in a ball not wanting that to happen but why else could I do? I know! I can change my name and ride up to Seattle! (Comment if you get the reference!) but I'm guessing that's not an option........I could tell Seth but Blake said not to.......or else. He didn't say not to tell joe! Joe has been keeping in touch with Seth and I just in case so I could tell him?

Blake's P.O.V

     Hopefully that little rat doesn't tell Seth. Good thing some of the guys on my football team are id*ots or this plan wouldn't work. I told the poor goofs that Seth f**ked with their girls and they believed me with out any questions! Hah God their so stupid!

Seth's P.O.V

    I started to worry for Ella because she hasn't came back from the bathroom yet. I asked to go but the teacher said one at a time can go but I need to find Ella now! I want to know if she's ok! I put my head on the desk and let out a sigh. Later on Ella walked in and my head popped up, I almost got out of my seat to go hug her, and ask her where she been......but I can't because I would have got in trouble or something so I will wait until later.
     The bell rings and I get out of my seat and go to Ella and hug her and ask "where have you been? Why did it take so long? Why is there dirt on your back? How come you look worried?" I just asked question after question. She just looked at me and didn't answer any of my questions. I started to worry about her "e-Ella are you ok? Did someone hurt you? Or are you in one of you uncomfortable moods because I'm hugging you, asking these questions, and doing things your not still completely use to?" She still stayed silent.
    The teacher cleared his throat and said "you two are going to be late! Now if you don't want me to send you two up to the principals office, then get out and stop clinging to each other!" He pointed at the door and I saw that there was another class in there waiting to be taught. 'Ooooooooooooh......maybe that's why.....?' I thought to myself. Ella got her stuff and left so I went to go get mine. When I got to my desk I saw my stuff wasn't there, I looked around my whole desk as people watched me. Blake came tony desk, pushed me aside, and sat down. I sent him a glare and he just smirked. The teacher said in an annoyed voice "what seems to be the problem Seth?!"
    I couldn't stand this guy! "I can't find my things!" I snapped at him. I'm not one to snap at people.....except Blake but this guy is getting on my nerves....both of them!!!! Blake let out a chuckle and mumbled just loud enough for me to here "go check where trash is supposed to go and you'll get your things" I swear to fffffmmmmm!!!! I got up, went out of the class room, and in a trash can I saw my things. THAT B***ART ORPHAN SON OF A W**RE! (Comment of you get the reference) what did I do to him?! I know that was probably to much for someone just throwing you things in a trash can it's Blake who am I kidding. I picked my bag and saw that there was vomit, water, and used girl things that they use for their time of the month, on and in my bag. Yep now I'm- it's just-........I'm....I'm gonna kill him one day. I'm gonna kill him......


Here you go guys sorry for the long update hope you guys enjoyed! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please let me know and I'll try to get to them as soon as possible!

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