Ch 32

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Ella's P.O.V

I took a few deep breaths at I look back at the car as the person got out of the car asking if I was ok/crazy, the ok part came first then the are you crazy part came next, but could you blame them how would you feel. Seth apologized for me then the person left. Seth then asked me the same thing but he added what made me do that, and I answered with " I'm looking for Adam, I'm scared for him, and I know what it's like in his shoes" Seth sighed taking me back home.
"Ella" Seth started "...I will put out a missing kid report to joe but we have to wait 24 hours and I will mention about the abuse" I shook my head and said "what if his parents find him first?" Seth looked down closing his eyes. He looked back up at me and said "we still need to wait 24 hours.....I'm sorry but police can't do anything until then" I looked down in defeat.

Blake's P.O.V

We where an hour early so we where just talking about what we where going to do to Ella, I still feel bad, but...I have a reputation to keep. I didn't bother to listen to the idiots saying what their going to do, I just hummed and nodded the only thing that snapped me out of my thinking was so little 4 year old throwing rocks at it with a pi**ed off look.
It wasn't an accident or a joking matter, he was actually aiming at our heads with big rocks! "What the h*ll kid?!" I asked glaring at him and to my surprise he glares back. "Don't talk about Ella like that!" I was shocked that he knew her. I blinked twice "how do you know about her? I know she doesn't hang out with 4 year olds" I asked, as he chucked a rock at me, witch hit me in the chest hurting a little. "I'm 7 and she saved me like I'm going to do right now!" And with that he starts running off.
   I was rubbing my chest confused on what he meant but my friends didn't because they ran after him. "Stop you guys!" I shouted at them because if someone sees a 7 year old being chased by....9 high schoolers I'm gonna guess that they know something's up, and we don't look alike so we can't play he's out lil bro card. But they didn't here me and kept running leaving me to chase after the buffoons.

Adams P.O.V

   I was so sad that I went back to the park and saw a bunch of boy teens, of corse I could care less but I herd them mention Ella's name getting my attention. They where talking about how she will meet up with them and they will do awful things to her. That got me mad so I went to reach for my knife, but I realized Ella stabbed in on top of the tree. I looked around and saw some rocks so I started throwing at them.
     I'm guessing the leader came back to earth because after throwing 3 rocks he asked me what I'm doing. I told him and he called me 4! Not only that but he thinks Ella hand out with 4 year olds! I threw a rock and hit him in the chest, I told them I'm 7 and I'm going to tell Ella so I can save her like she did with me.
      I think that made them mad because when I ran off 9 of them where chasing after but I think the leader, the one I hit in the chest stayed behind, it was funny tho I thought he told them to stop. But the 9 other guys didn't so it must of be my imagination. Of corse my tiny body couldn't put run some 6 feet males or however tall they are. One of them grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder and carried me back "your not telling Ella anything" one of them say.
     "Hey what if we use him against her?" One asks "isn't that child abuse" another ask making me squirm trying to get free.

Ella's P.O.V

    Now I'm worried about three things! Blake, Seth, and now Adam! What am I going to do?! I gave to meet Blake or else, I have to sneak out  with out Seth knowing, but if I go and Blake kidnaps me agin I can't help Adam!!!! I Pace around the room thinking on what to do. I know I'll just write a note to say 'I went out to find adam, call the cops, don't worry about me' and then leave. Now to think if I should go find Adam or go to bla-oh who I kidding I'm obviously going to look for Adam.
      Seth walked in the door and I guess he saw me pacing because he said "Ella I know your worried about Adam but you need some sleep, the sooner you go to bed the faster day will come to look for Adam." Ha! Little does he know-well when I was thinking it was something to do with he's not all wrong. He walked in with a pillow and a sleeping bag making me give him a confused look. He smiles "I'm going to be in here to make sure you don't leave" he said.
    He sets up his sleeping bag next to my bed and now come to think of it isn't he like a yander?? Shouldn't I be worried? What if he really kills Blake one day? How funny would it be if Blake was a tsunder. (If you don't know what a yander/tsunder is then I'll tell you at the end or you can google it)
      "Ella?" Seth asked concerned giving me a weird look making me realize I didn't tell him no or anything. "Oh sorry I'm just worried" I said and turned to him. He nods and says "it's ok we will find let's go to sleep" he gets turns off the lights then gets in his sleeping bag. I crawl into my bed and close my eyes. I'll only rest for a little bit....

Blake's P.O.V

"Blake she's late!" One of the guys yelled getting impatient, man it's like taking care of 5 year olds I'm surprised that the 7 year old is being a bit better than them! "She'll show up eventually just a half an hour more" I said annoyed, "Ella's smarter than that she will never meet up with people like you!" Adam yelled.

~time skip~

Blake's P.O.V

     I looked around and saw someone walking to us in the distance.....


Hiya guys I wanna shout out Potato02242002 they are beautiful and amazing! Also sorry for the long wait but here's a new chapter and more is on the way! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please let me know and I'll try to get to you asap! Love you all bye for now!💗💖❤️💘💕

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