Chapter 13: Two New Friends

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"Hello?" Tackle called out as he looked around, his paws ready to get him out of here as quick as possible. He caught a scent one unfamiliar to him but it was close, something moved in the grass as Tackle made his way over his claws out ready for anything...but the surprise was popping up...literally. The cub stepped on some snow but to his shock, something sprunged out of her hiding and snarled at the cub, she was some kinda dog but with long legs, a dark messy mane and light gray fur with white and some spots. Her entire fur was standing like a cat and Tackle was a little spooked by the sudden appearance but stood his ground as she approached him growling ears flat.

"Pfft hah!Gotcha!" She told him her fierce face turning into a big smile as she fell on the ground holding her stomach from laughter leaving the saber cub confused "Oh man you literally fell for it!" She wiped a tear after calming down " So your not gonna eat me?" "Eat you? Pfft please! My kind and I are vegetarians" she wrapped a paw around him as the cub stared at her curiously " What are you?" "Me? I'm a...on second thought I'll let you guess that part on your own" she poked his nose as she said that part.

"So what's your name?" "Tackle" "Tackle? Not bad, nice to meet you i'm Vibe" "Vibe?" The saber cub cocked his head in confusion at hearing a name like that. "Yeah. Like you know just go with the vibe but with me, you go with Vibe for fun" she told him winking at him but someone wasn't amused. " If you go with Vibe, then basically everything is chaos " the pup glared at her molehog friend Ruby annoyed but the cub got excited.

"A molehog!" He walked around her, her fur was white and her eyes red with black and red quills. "Nice kitty don't eat the molehog" She stuttered from the cub pawing at her quillx while Vibe rolled her eyes at her "Ruby he's not gonna eat you" Vibe told her as the molehog quickly rolled away in a ball and hid behind the pup "Vibe this is a saber and trust me you don't want to be near a saber" Vibe looked her a bit offended with a shape glare "Um did you forget that we hang out with another saber and beside this one is a cub" Vibe said as she started walking around but the mention of another saber made the saber cub get excited his ears up, he ran up in front of Vibe "Wait there's another saber on the island beside me and my parents" Vibe tilted her head one ear down "Um yeah aren't there other sabers in your pack?" The cub looked down on the ground with his ears low.

"No just me and my mom and dad but we're not part of a pack. We're part of a Herd" Vibe and Ruby stared at eachother shocked at hearing the word 'herd'. "But I wish there were other saber cubs like me to play with, then maybe making friends wouldn't be so hard " Vibe gasped in shock and wrapped her bushy tail around him " Are you kidding?! Who wouldn't want to be friends with a saber cub?I mean come on!" Vibe lied down behind him, her paw rubbing his fuzzy head. "Hey how about we get you some tasty berries?" "Berries?Here on this part of the island?" "What!You never been on this part of the island?! Wow we got to teach you some stuff"

Vibe pushed the cub up on her back and walked into the long grass, Ruby stared at her wide eye as the pup walked away " Whoa whoa whoa!Vibe we're suppose to keep him here until Jake comes over!" The molehog waved her hands panic but the pup merely turn her head smirking "Relax. Jake's a good tracker, he'll find us" "Bye Ruby it was nice meeting you" Tackle called out before the molehog turned frantically thinking on what to do and finally came to the conclusion "Oh! Wait for me!" She dugged her way into the ground after them.

Meanwhile,the Herd only having Manny, Sid, Diego, Shira, the possums and Buck followed the trail to where Tackle could be. Ferry was brought back to his mother to avoid any danger he could encounter " His scent's fresh..." Diego told them relieved his cub was still ok "That's a good thing right?" Eddie questioned as Shira walked passed him "It means he could be here somewhere..." Shira told them as she sniffed the air one more time "...and so are the wolves" she said it very serious and cold sending a shiver on Sid and the possums one notice the she wolf in the grass spying in them.

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