Chapter 4: The Talk

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"Hey dad" "Hmm?" Diego was still carrying his son by the scruff of his fur "Can you put me down now?" Diego dropped his son on the ground as the cub scampered before his mom held her paw on his tail " Whoa whoa where do think you're going?" Shira asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk " Um I was gonna..." "Sneak a bite on our meal when your suppose to wait?" Diego asked smirking at him, leaving the cub quiet " Someone has to check if it's good" the cub smiled sheepishly.

Shira had a sneaky thought"Ok you can have a piece" "Really?!" Diego looked at Shira who winked at him making Diego play along. "Really" the cub quickly ran to the direction of the food unaware of the sneaky smiles on his parents. "huh?!" The cub raised an eyebrow when seeing that the carcass was gone. His parents followed him chuckling and Tackle relaxing what turned around glaring at them "You guys moved it didn't you?" "She moved it" Diego motion his head to Shira who grabbed her son by the scruff before walking off.

"Can I have a small bite?" "no" "A tiny one?" "no" "A nibble?" Shira chuckled at her son's attempts to get a bite so early. While Tackle kept trying g to convince Shira, Diego wondered what Tackle was doing at that wall of snow

"By the way, what were you doing over there?" He asked him as the cub's feet was back on ground again "I thought I saw something" he walked by his Dad's side " Did you see what it was Tackle?" Shira asked him a little curious.

Tackle had his ears down shaking his head no "No I didn't see anything maybe if I let out my growl it would come out" he growled to give an example although they were more of a cute growl than a fierce one, Diego chuckled at his son's attempts " Probably just an animal blending in with the snow " Diego said while Tackle kept running around and through his dad's legs.

Tackle then pounced on his dad's back leg making Diego fall on the ground. "Tackle" he said irritated since this isn't the first time as the cub laughed nervously. Shira's shadow covered Diego from the sun as she smirked "let me guess? Hunting practice, your the prey and Tackle's the hunter" she said sarcastically as Diego groaned annoyed and he tried to pounce on her but two things: one Shira saw it coming so she leaped from it on them and two Tackle is still on his foot.

Shira ran off laughing as Diego stood up "Come on Tackle help me catch your mom" he lifted his foot up and the cub was up on the air and landed on his back as Diego sprinted after his  mate. The two sabers had a chase all over the island as Shira threw obstacles at him well not big ones since she knew her cub was with him. Tackle gave encouragement to his dad to catch up "Come on dad you got this! You can do this!"

In the middle of the chase, the sabers passed some grass and Tackle, still on his dad's back, thought he saw something standing in the grass and then crouched down inside. "Huh?" He hopped off his dad's back and walked up to the grass 'that's weird i thought I saw something" the cub thought. Diego stopped running when he noticed Tackle wasn't on his back, his ears perked spotting his cub "Hey fuzzy what's wrong? Chase too much for you?" He yelled out as Tackle stared hard at it.

"Dad I think saw something again" he yelled back as the grass began to rustle and he got on a pounce stance snarling, Diego walked back to his cub as the grass rustled more and...Scart came out. Tackle's ears perked at this "I think you need work on your senses Tackle" Diego said as the squirrel ran off.

"Hey slow-moes! Come on Sid wants us to see his 'unbelievable' sled" she said with sarcasm before walking off and Tackle follows but Diego started having the same feeling as his cub "Hey Softie come on" Shira called to him and Diego took one more look before walking off.

The two blue glowing eyes came back again watching Diego leave "hmmm..." He said before disappearing into the forest.

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