Chapter 3: Arriving at the Hunt

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An elk is eating grass while Diego and Shira are hiding in the grass both growling before they come out of hiding and chased their prey, the elk ran in the grass as the two sabers split up with a plan of theirs in motion. Meanwhile, Tackle follows the sound of their roars by climbing on a rock and spots Diego run by "Wow" he stares at his dad impressed by his skills before continuing to follow them, Shira manages to catch up with the elk while Diego got on top of a rock before he pounced. Tackle seeing that the hunt was successful, jumped into the grass and followed them's not easy in long grass especially when you can't see a thing.

"Well that wasn't so bad" Diego shook the dust off his fur. Shira stretched from the hunt but her ears perked at some grass rustling. Her eyes notice the grass moving far from them and to another direction to the open "Yeah but we're not alone" Shira motion her head the grass as her mate looked where she was looking. "Aw man. How can anyone see in this grass?" the cub asked tripping and stepping on sticks along the way...and loudly too.

Diego and Shira's ears perked at the sounds that was too familiar "ow, ow, too many sticks..." the two sabers smirked at eachother cause it wasn't hard to figure it out "Tackle" they both said before Diego walked forward "I think someone needs to practice his stealth skills" Shira said teasingly while Diego shook his head smiling "Come on let's go find the little guy"

"Heehee I think I'm getting close...Rawr!" Tackle leaped out of the grass hoping to surprise his parents but he got himself more lost. The young cub looked around walking all over "hmmm..." his ears perked at something that moved near a snowy wall. Tackle stared at it and he got into a fighting stance with a fierce smile "The fierce hunter Tackle has found his prey and his master sense of smell will find it" he took a deep sniff with his nose which only gave out "ACHOO!"

The sabers heard his sneeze and spotted the cub out in the open "What is he up too?" Diego questioned as he walked over there but then Shira placed a paw on his shoulder "Whoa hold on a second. Why don't we give Tackle a little surprise hmm?" She asked with a raised eyebrow and sneaky smile and Diego shared the same expression.

The young cub made his way slowly like he was hunting a prey but he stopped. Tackle felt like the snow was moving and he squinted his eyes at it but then he smelled something...something from behind.

"ROAR!" "AAAH!" Tackle leaped back tripping on his paws backward. "Hahaha! Oh that was so worth it" Shira said trying to control her laughter as she fist bumped with Diego who also tried holding his laughter. Tackle glared at them and leaped back on his feet scurrying to them  "Oh yeah? Take this!" He backed up and pounced on his dad.

Diego laughed as he fell down on his side "Oh no! Too much cuteness!" Diego joked with his son wrapping his paw around him and the two laughing. "Aw look at that. Softie being beaten by little cub" Shira teased her mate as she placed her elbow on his head her paw dangling in front of his face. "Shira" he said irritated while Tackle laughed holding his stomach.

"Ok come on Mr laughs-alot" he grabbed his son by the scruff of his fur in his mouth before walking off with Shira but after they turn their backs on the snowy wall, two blue eyes opened up staring at them before walking off.

Ice Age: Back on IceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora