“It doesn't matter. I already gave up everything to love you but now that I will be losing you I have nothing left to live for. I have no place left in this world.”

Eisuke’s hand covered part of his face as he laughed. His laughter was a mixture of anguish and regret.

I felt sick to my stomach. What was he saying? That he would end his life after I married?

I knew Eisuke gave up so much to be with me and then only to be denied by my family. Even though we saw each other secretly and fought to be together it all amounted to nothing… Because my parents decided they'd marry me off to keep us apart.

Have I been acting selfishly? I was so worried about him getting hurt but never stopped to consider how he felt. What would Eisuke do after I was married? He didn't have anywhere to go.

No. That's a lie. Eisuke could start a new life somewhere far away but what would be the point when he was all alone, that is probably what he thought. With no reason to keep on living, no motivation to go on, Eisuke would rather die than continue without me.

“Eisuke… I'm sorry.”

Upon hearing my voice Eisuke went silent. He lowered his hand and looked at me with a steady gaze.

I braced myself for whatever lay ahead, praying I'd have the strength to face all trials that befall us.

Having made up my mind I made slow, even steps towards Eisuke. I smiled softly at him before falling into his chest.

“Eisuke… Let's run away. Whatever happens, let's always be together.”

I could feel how tense he was through his clothes. Eisuke seemed to be in shock. But then his body relaxed and his arms lovingly embraced me.

“Elli… Thank you.” He softly kissed my head.

I could feel his love in everything he did. His kiss, his touch, his voice, everything. This man loved me and I loved him back. We were made for each other.

There was not much time. The sun would be rising soon. If we didn't leave now then it would be too late.

I quickly stuffed some clothes into a bag along with anything that may be of help on our journey. I had enough money to at least help us get started wherever we may go.


I looked at Eisuke for a moment before nodding.

“Yes.” I was ready for anything as long as he was by my side.

Together we snuck out my window, climbing down a rope I had snuck into my room. We ran to the stables and brought out my beloved steed Snowflake; she was as white as snow and one of my precious friends.

Just as dawn was breaking the two of us fled on horseback never looking back. I bid farewell to my former life; cutting ties with my family. I wished them a happy life and silently apologized for the trouble I caused but I didn't regret my choice. To choose between a happy future or a miserable one there was only one right choice.

(Eisuke is my future.)

I cling to him, my head buried against his back. His scent, his warmth, they made me feel alive and know this was no dream. I could finally smile without fear we would soon part.

After many days of traveling we found ourselves in a quiet village. It was nothing grand, nor anything like the city I came from. But the villagers welcomed us with open arms; they all seemed like kind people and caring people. No one was a stranger, everyone helped and supported one another.

“What do you think?”


“Is this our new home?”

Our new home? That sounded so nice. This village… Yes. I want to call it “home”.

“Yes.” I smiled brightly. “This will be where we start our new lives.”

There was still the worry of my family finding me but I believed here we could be happy. I didn't want to waste time worrying about what may happen in the future. Right now I wanted to focus only on Eisuke and our lives together now.

We would have to work out what we would do to get by but I don't think it will be much trouble. Eisuke was rather adept with crafting things like jewelry and the like and as for myself, I was good at tailoring.

(Yes. I think we will be just fine.)

As our luck would have it there was a vacant house we could use just by the riverside. It was a little rundown but with some tender love and care it would be good as new in no time. This was our new home. Here we would create our future together.

“How do you feel?” Eisuke squeezed my hand.

I gazed at our new home as we stood in front and then turned to him with a smile.

“I didn't think it was possible to be this happy.” I started to tear up as I thought about everything we went through to get here.

“Hey. You stole my line.”

I hear Eisuke chuckle and the next thing I know my feet are off the ground.

“Thank you, Elli. For choosing me. These emotions I'm feeling would never have been possible without you.”

There was pure joy on his face. His eyes were full of happiness and love. My heart swelled with joy seeing how carefree he looked. It was such a blessing to see him so happy.

Eisuke pulled me against him, my feet never touching the ground. He held me strongly.

“You are the one thing I will never let go. No matter what I will always love you. Whatever it takes, I will always be with you.”

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