Golden Globes Part 1 (f.h)

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'You know you can look at me.' Freddie says behind me, 'Im good, i dont wanna have even more anxiety.' 'How would it make it worse?' 'Cause i feel like im gonna forget something and when we get there, ill probably get lost and follow someone else and then realize it isn't you then cry.' Freddie comes around to me, his hands grab mine, 'You are not gonna get lost, i will take care of you okay?' 'Freddie, we are going for you, ill just text you if im lost.' he squeezes my hands, i stand up with him, realizing its almost time to head out. He kisses me, 'Its gonna be okay.' 

Freddie steps out of the car, i follow him as he reconnects our hands, as tons of flashes are set off, 'You're okay.' he whispers kissing my head.

A woman and a man with a camera comes up to us as we walk further down the carpet, 'Hi, I see you arent alone.' She says, 'Yeah, I brought my girlfriend with me, she's gorgeous. '  my face heats up, 'She is she is, Y/N Highmore, now Y/N, how would you describe Freddie in one word tonight? ' 'Pimpin. ' I respond automatically, she laughs. After a couple more questions, she lets us go.

A few hours later we have a seat.

I kiss Freddies lips then cheek, 'Good luck baby.' 'Thank you, love.'

And now we wait.


Freddie Highmore and some Norman Bates ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now