Up at Night (s.m)

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Whilst Shaun was sleeping you weren't, you couldn't. It was just you... you'd fall asleep some point in the night or sunrise, you feared the night but sometimes you didnt.

There you were, sitting on the hard wooden floor watching and listening to everything, Shaun's breathing, the noises the crickets made, everything. "Y/N, baby why are you awake?" Shaun said, his voice deep from sleep, 'I cant sleep.' even though it was almost pitch black you could tell he was confused, 'Why?' he sounded so innocent, 'I don't know, but I hate it.' tears somehow rolled down your cheeks, your sleep always had bothered you. 'Come here please.' even know it was pitch black except for the street light, you could make out him making grabby hands like a toddler would do when they wanted up. You did what you were told and went to him, he grabbed you and held you like a stuffed animal, 'I love you Y/N' he said as he always did when you guys were about to go to sleep, well him about to go to sleep. 'I love you too Shaun' you buried your head in his chest as he stroked your hair, leaving kisses every so often. With that you both fell asleep, peacefully, getting good sleep.

Im sorry this was kinda short and kinda bad oops
Wattpad just told me my update would take 54 seconds to read.. I feel horrible.

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