Start over (n.b)

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Drawing what Norman described as a beautiful dog, Juno, a dog that had been hit with a car that he tried to save and taxidermied. The door opens 'Welcome home, Mother.' You snap around to see Norman holding his Mothers dead body, his face brused, cut and streaming a tiny bit of blood. He looks directly into your eyes, 'Y/N! You are here! What great timing, I missed you so much, this house looks great doesn't it?' He puts the dead body into the couch then hugs you, you flinch, slowly melting into his embrace. You deeply wanted for him to tell you you are being pranked, but he didnt. That's when a question sparked, 'Norman, how old are you?'
He pulls back a little

'17, silly, we haven't been sepreated for that long!' He smiles, swinging your laced hands, back and forth.

You started taking him upstairs, grabbing a scrap book, thousands of pictures of you guys, kissing, cuddling, holding hands, any coupley thing.

You started to tell him everything, from when he moved here till now. 

He slammed his lips against yours, you knew he did it because he was afraid.

'Are you afraid of me?' he wasn't looking at you now. 'Nope.' his shoulders went up then down, 'I'm a monster.' you shook your head no 'No you aren't, you were forced to do bad things for good reasons.' 

He hugs you, breathing in your scent.

you guys fall asleep, entangled with each other.

Freddie Highmore and some Norman Bates ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now