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sooo basic.... WOW A FREDDIE IMAGINE?

The world seemed so boring in black and white.

When your parents painted your room a shade of blue and green, all you saw was grey.

When your friend gave you an old red shirt of hers, all you could see was grey.

You chose to wear black, white, and grey clothes, that way you wouldn't make a fool out of yourself. - you didn't know what looked good or matched when your world was so homogeneous.

When you got your own house, you had someone else paint it ; all you saw was shades of black, grey, and white.

You were jealous when your friend found her soulmate so early ; in secondary school. You asked her to describe the world to you, she called it "beautifully bright".

Many years later, you had yet to discover this "beautifully bright" but when you really thought about it you were terror-stricken and anxious that you were gonna live the rest of your life in a sea of plainness, never meeting your true love.

A new show aired, you started watching it, Bates Motel. Ever since you saw his face, the contrast between the grey and the black and the white seemed more extreme.

You told yourself you were just imagining it, still you had your friend describe the colors he wore, she said he were shades of blue, white, black, and grey.

Years later, you found yourself in line for the season 5 Freddie Highmore meet and greet, everything had changed.

You started to ask your friend about how colors looked like, and how it happened. Finally it had seemed magical, this world of color.

Your friend had her arm wrapped around your waist to help your trembling body, whispering soothing things to you as your eyes continuously cried and dried.

You were now in front of the line. Your vision was the brightest a monochrome world could be.

Security let you through, and you came into the area where Freddie Highmore waited. He smiled at you and opened his arms, as soon as your skin brushed, the world shifted.


You inhaled and started crying even more, Freddie stared at you, dumb-founded.

Freddie wore a win-some baby blue button down. His hair was a deep chocolate brown. His eyes were ravishing blue with some different shades of greens and blues. 

He reached out and hesitantly touched your cheek.

'I found you...' he seemed to breathe, grinning. You smiled and wiped a tear.

'You took your sweet time' you joked, before collapsing into his arms. He embraced you, and you instantly felt home, like you'd been lost all this time and you were arriving back.

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Freddie Highmore and some Norman Bates ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now