Different (s.m)

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(I know he didn't/ doesn't originally live in San Jose but some spots could possibly trigger that bulling stuff :(  ps. I'm DEEPLY inlove with shaun)

You and Shaun were walking around the streets of San Jose, hands interwined, and relaxed, but as soon as you got to a certain spot he started becoming shakey, off,  looking/staring at you multiple times. Finally you stopped at a bench sitting him down 'why are you nice to me, even if you have no reason to be. why do you love me?, why are you dating me.' he says twitling his fingers. He had no idea how much those questions had hurt you. You thought back to the first moment you two had met.

You had been helping your dad at the hospital, right when you two were gonna go home two boys run in. one has a fringe to the side and the other one has normal bangs, 'Help us please our bunny is hurt!' the one with the bangs says panicking. immediately your heart sinks, you hated when animals were hurt and or dying, that's why you wanted to become a vet. looking over you see the other boy whimpering slightly keeping the bunny close to him, you go over to him taking the bunny handing it to your dad, 'we aren't that kind of hospit-' before he could finish you give him a look telling him to just look at the bun bun, he leads you all to the room... You and the boys sit down while your dad takes a look, you look over at the boy who was holding the bunny and grab his hand rubbing it with your other one 'it'll all be okay' you tell him, 'how do you know.' he asks without looking at you 'As they say God has a plan' you kindly smile at him in which he looks at you and returns the smile 'You are very pretty.' butterflies fill your stomach 'Thank you.' your father soon brings the news  'Your bunny has passed away.' you look over to the boy... it looks like a part of him has died too 'I-I- is he gonna go to heaven' the other boy looks at him with nothing but pity, sorrow, and hope 'yes of course Shaun' so that's his name, Shaun, I like it 'I don't want him to go to heaven and I don't want to go home..' Shaun states 'and we wont we are never going back home' his brother to I assume to be, says his voice laced with confidence and determinded while he picks the bunny up and hands it to Shaun. They then lefted and so did you, but of course you didn't let them leave without a hug. You hoped to see Shaun again.

You smile at the memory and look beside you to only see Shaun staring into the obese, then you remember his questions. 'I love you because you are different, you don't hurt anybody, you are a sweetheart which most people aren't, you see things differently, I'm nice to you because you are nice to me and I love you so so so much, I'm dating because I love you and you're different and so so so so so  so so nice and I could go on but I'm running out of oxogen.' you say looking at him he turns and looks at you with his big baby blue eyes 'I love you so much every single part of you' he says smiling as he leans closer to you gently pressing his lips to yours, he grabs your waist pulling you towards him, deepening the kiss, you intangle yours fingers in his hair. you both break apart and hug each other tightly, he kisses your neck a little. 'We are in public Dr. Shaun Murphy.' you remind him he kisses you again, grabbing your hand, you two get up, going home to finish what you two or more specifically he wanted.

I'm sorry this was all over the place but I love SHAUN SO FREAKING MUCH WjhUFEIUBIFUEB also I wanna do more shaun imagines 

Freddie Highmore and some Norman Bates ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now