Part Forty-two

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     Ashton's p.o.v.


     "No. I'm going out to the shops." I say quietly to Ally. I slide my sweatshirt over my head and grab my wallet.

     "I thought you would just want to lay low today? the BBMA's were only a few days ago Ash. And I'm not going out today its raining." Ally says, looking up from her phone. Her red hair slides down and covers one of her eyes partailly. She tucks it behind her ear and eyes me. I shrug at her.

     "Jenn is going out too and so is Calum. Spend the day with Luke. He's been stuffed up in his room the past few days and Jenn said he won't tell her whats wrong." I say looking back at her.

     "I know I was in the room when she told us Ashton." She says, looking back down at her phone and scrolling through her news feed.

     "Fine. I'll see you later Ally." I say and head out the door.

     To be completely honest, I didnt want Ally to come. I needed some time to think things over. I could see how much Michael loved her. And that would not usually bother me. But I can see Ally loves him too. I saw them the night of the BBMA's. The way they talked. The way they hugged. No one saw Michael kiss her cheek but me. She immediatly smiled. Its not like that when I, her own boy friend, kisses her. 

     At first I was mad. But then a realization hit me. They are perfect for eachother. They have been through so much together and apart. And no matter how much it tears them apart, they always come back stronger in the end. And just to top everything off, they have twins together. I could never be to them what Michael would be. I would be their mom's husband. I woudnt be their first choice. And I know I will never be Ally's first choice either. I never was. From the first day she came to Austrailia, she and Michael were ment to be. Everyone saw it. But I tried to swoop in and steal her. Because she is amazing. But, she can't be my amazing. 

     I know that we can still be friends, but were never ment to be.

Ally P.o.v.

     I tapped lightly on Luke's door. I sat in my hip as I waited for him to answer. 

     "Who is it?" I tired sounding Luke called through the thick hotel door.

     "It's Ally. Lemme in!" I called back laughing. He opened the door right away and usheredd me inside. The room was perfectly in order. All except for the bed. The sheets and blankets were rustled letting me know Luke had just emerged from it to get the door. He walked past me and got back onto the bed. I kicked off my Toms and crawled next to him.

     "Luke?" I said looking over at him.

     "Hmm?" He answers, not looking back at me. His hair is flat and his eyes are blood shot. What is going on with him?

     "Whats wrong? And you cannot say nothing is because I know you too well to think that nothing is wrong with you Hemmings." I say , poking his side. He sighs. Then he surprises me by bursting into tears.

     "Luke! Whats wrong?! Tell me honey!" I say loudly. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and hold him tightly.

     "I did terriblyat the bill boards!" He wails. I am totally shocked. My mouth literally drops. I thought that they had done amazing. I noticed afterwords he was not as gleeful as the others. And he had been in his room the past few days after.

     "Luke why do you say that?" I ask him quickly.

     "My voice cracked! Ally it cracked! That was not supposed to happen!" He cried. I sighed, trying to think of words that may condole him.

      "And I wasnt supposed to get pregnant but that happened too and BUH-BAM! I have babies." I laugh, making him chuckle as well. He dries his tears andrubs his eyes.

     "I guess your right. I mean other than that, I guess we did okay." he sighs. 

     "Okay? You guys did so good. I cried. Luke I fricken cried when you guys preformed!" I yell. He laughs aloud.

     "But Ally you cry at every fucking thing!" He yells back. I press a hand to my chest pretending to be offended.

     "Fuck you!" I shout, shoving him slightly. He gets a smug smile on his face and crosses his arms, sitting back against the wall.

     "What?" I ask him.

     "Fucking me is Jenn's job." He says smiling. I make fake throwing up sounds and cover my mouth.

      "Come on Hemmings don't fucking do that to me do you want me to throw up all over you?" I yelp through my laughter. He smiles but is suddenly serious.

     "What now?" I ask him throwing my hands up into the air.

     "Do you love Michael?" Luke sighs. I am genuinly shocked at his question. But the thing that shocks me more is the fact that I cannot answer him right away. 

     "I um..." I stutter out nothing. I could have sworn I would say no. But now... I think back to every smile. Every kiss. Every touch. The look in his eyes when he looks at our children. The feeling of pride and hope in my chest when I told the nurse their last names are Clifford. 

     And at that very moment, I realize, I am in love with Michael Clifford.

      "Yeah. I do love him Luke." I say smiling. 

      "Ashton?" He asks. I look down.

     "I need to talk to him." I mutter, fiddling with my fingers.

      "Yeah, Ally, you do." Luke Answers. I nod and lean my head against his shoulder. What would I even say?


Forever and Always. Second Edition to The We Are Family Series(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now