Part Ten

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     "Are you serious?" I said to the child support officer. I had been asked to come into the office the day after i got my cast off. Luke and I had driven there together. We were sitting in this man's dingy office talking to him about my little sister Kara.

     "Yes miss. Very. We got a call from Kara's grandparents, her mothers parents, and they said tha you are not equiped to take care of the child until you both are older. They are going to take care of her until she is four years of age." He said quite plainly. My mouth dropped. I started to protest and Luke was shaking his head. The man cut me off and started speaking again.

     "One of my employees is going to follow you home today and gather the child and her things. She will be returned to you in four years to the day. Good afternoon Ms Brighten. Mr. Hemmings." 

     Lukeand i stood up and left the office. The employee followed us home just like the man said. It was pouring rain. The weather was like what i was feeling inside. In 20 minutes the child support employee was gone and he had taken the baby with him. It killed me inside to see her gone. All her clothes were gone and her toys. I walked into my room slowly. I sat on my couch and just stared into the rain. I was too sad and restless. I got up and pulled on a sweatshirt and walked out into the drizzly weather. I made my way to the park. It was my spot. I sat on a swing and began to swing myself. I pushed back my hood and i looked up at the sky. I allowed the rain to soke through my skin and clothes as it got harder. Lightening and thunder crashed above me like a war in the sky. All of a sudden i heard,

     "Ally! What are you doing here?" I opened my eyes to see Michael standing in front of my swing shouting to me above the storm. I got off my swing and walked towards him to hear him better.

      "The child support officers took Kara. Saying i wasnt equiped or some shit like that. Once again! Im not fucking good enough." I looked into his green eyes. They stared down at me. He shook his head to get the water out of it that was falling in droplets on his nose. 

     "Your good enough. Your good enough Ally. Your the best. Your the only one i really want you know..." He trailed off. I could barely believe my ears. Why did he and I do this? Go back and forth. Could we ever make up our minds?

     "What about Tye?" I asked quickly. He shook his head.

     "Shes a slut. I broke up with her once i realized what an idiot i was for letting you go so easily again." He laughed. and shook my head.

     "What about Brent?" He asked me more seriously.

     "I broke up with him... Your the only one for me Michael Clifford." I smirked at him. He smiled and pulled me into his arms. He kissed me firmly. he pulled my hips forward.

     "Jump." he whispered. I did as he said and jumped. he caught my legs and i wrapped them around his waist. I tilted my head and ran my fingers through his wet hair. His arms wrapped around my waist pushing my sweatshirt up and touching my skin. It was like i was electically shocked. I pushed myself against his chest and held him tighter. When we finally pulled apart we were both out of breath.

      "That was... wow." Michael whispered to me. i could feel his breath on my lips.

     "You realize kissing in the rain is cliche Mikey." I whispered back. He chuckled and presed his lips to mine again.

     "Yes. But we are cliche Ally. I love you more than words can express you know." he said. My legs were still wrapped around his waist. The rain was pouring. It was the most insane, perfeect moment of my life.

     "I love you too Clifford. Forever and always." I whispered.

Forever and Always. Second Edition to The We Are Family Series(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now