Part Twenty-Six

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    I open my eyes slowly and snuggle into my pillow. I check my clock and its eight a.m. I stretch my limbs and stared up at the ceiling with a small smile. Ashton and I were together, i have two perfect little girls, and they didn't cry after I went to bed. Oh shit. They didn't cry. I'm not a proper mother, but i know one thing, they are supposed to get hungry. And Ashton, he wasn't beside me anymore. i throw the covers off my and grab a sweater. I run full speed down the hall and are about to call out for Ashton when I see him in the living room. He has one little baby cradled gently in each arm. He walks slowly around the room, rocking the girls slowly. They don't cry or make a sound. He smiles down at them.

     "Oh hey Ally." He says, noticing me in the doorway.

     "I heard them crying this morning, so i fed them and changed them so you could get some sleep. I have some practice with Harry my little brother. Oh and I made you breakfast." He says it in such a loving quiet tone, I could do anything he asks. I shuffle into the kitchen to see a perfectly made omlet. I wolf it down, considering i havn't eaten since I got home yesterday, and I make my way to the girl's room, to see Ashton laying Haley down in her crib. He stands back and looks at the two girls. I walk up next to him and lay my head against his shoulder. He wraps his arm around me and hisses the top of my head.

     "They are beautiful little girls Ally." He says smiling.

     "I know." I say back. 

     "Why don't you shower, and change. I'll keep an eye on the girls and wait for Luke, Calum, and Jenn to get here, yeah?" He says, lovingly. I nod and give him a hug.

     "Thanks Ash. Maybe if I wasn't always so focused on Michael I would have seen how wonderful you are." I say before going to take my shower. 

     Once in the shower, I think. Maybe I never should have gotten with Michael. Maybe Ashton was right for me all along. Maybe, just maybe that was the truth. I had never really gotten into a fight with Ashton. We had even made up and became friends after our breakup. Maybe Michael and I were never ment to be. Was it always Ashton? Was I wrong to believe in Michael? I hurry up and finish my shower. I hop out and comb my hair. I slip on leggings and a sweatshirt, before going out into the living room. Calum, Luke and Jenn are all there with Ashton already. I sit on the couch next to Ashton, who wraps his arm around me. 

     "Whats this?" Calum asks us. Pointing between me and Ashton.

     "Ally and I decided to give us another try!" Ashton said eaxcitedly. Everyone cheered. But Luke looked a little wary.

     "Ally, could I speak to you for a second?" He says after five minutes.

     "Sure." I say say. I walk into the kitchen with him where we had to speak in whispers so the others wouldn't hear us.

     "What about Michael?" Luke asks, once we are in private.

     "What about him." I shrug.

     "Ally, don't play dumb. You know what I'm talking about. Is being with Ashton really what you want? You have liked Michael ever since you moved to Austrailia. Do you realize that?" He says. Concern is evident in his eyes.

     "Luke... Yes, this is what I want. Maybe if I wasn't so focused on Michael back in high school, I would have seen how wonderful Ashton is." I say. He frowns.

     "But he cheated on you." He says plainly. I must admit that stung a little.

     "Luke, that was almost two years ago!" I say back.

     "I know but-" I cut him off

     "Luke Hemmings, this is my decision. Please. I think this is whats best. And if it isn't, I will break it off. Just let me alone to see if this works out, please Luke?" I say.

     "Fine. But I know that I'm right Ally." He says, pulling me into a hug. i smile and resst my head agisnt his chest.

     "Thank you Luke." I say.

     "For what?" 

     "For just always being there for me. Always looking out for me. Even when I first came to Austrailia, you were good to me. So just thank You so much Luke." I say. I wipe a tear away.

     "Hey, no tears, you and me, we have been through a lot together. Your my sister and my best friend, there is nothing I wouldn't do for you. I'm sorry I havn't always been so available, but now that we will stay here in New York for a while, we can spend more time together, and I can help you." he smiles but I shake my head.

     "Luke you know that I don't want you putting your life on hold for me." You were firm but Luke smiled.

     "Ally, I want to help, please, pretty pretty please let me?" He says. 

     "Fine. But i expect you to get some gigs to play here in New York during your stay." You poke his side playfully. 

     "How can we do that without a band manager?" he asks, suddenly serious.

     "I d'unno." I respond, shrugging.

     "Well, Ally tha is actually something I wanted to ask you. Would you consider being our manager? You and Jenn would travle everywhere with us starting in June." He smiles even wider.

     "Thats in two months. What about my girls?" You ask.

     "You have two months to think about it. But Ally, we all really want you both to come with us. I even spoke to um to Michael about this and he wants you both to come too. We are all family. All eachother has really. Please comsider this Ally?" He says, his eyes pleade with me. You take a deep breath.

     "I'll think about it." You say.

     "Yes!" He fist pumps the air. You laugh and both go abck to join the others. But now, you have a lot wheighing on your mind.


OKAY, ITS LATE, LOVE YOU ALL.<33333333333333333333333 :))))))))))))))))))


Forever and Always. Second Edition to The We Are Family Series(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now