Part Thrity-Eight

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     "What the fuck was that about Ally!" Ashton yelled at me. At dipped my face in my hands and shook my head back and forth. I didn't have an explaination for his furosity.  I looked up from where I sat at the edge of my hotel bed at where Ashton stands in tron of my. His cheeks are flush with anger. He runs. hand continuously throgu his curls as he does when he is angry.

     "Come on Ally! Explain! First your cold behavior toward me lately, then this bizzar occurance with that note!" I am about to defend myself but he has more to say.

     "Your excuse of it being "Another Ally'," He lifts his hands and air quotes around the words I used," It is absolute bull! It was a We the Kings song! And guess who is wearing a We The Kings shirt today hmm?" He leans forward and looks at me.

     "Me." I whisper, looking at my shoes.

     "You!" He exclaims, throwing his hands up in the air. I shake my head, trying to find words in my small vocabulary.

     "Okay Did receive the note," I begin and Ashton bursts out with a "Ha!" Pointing at me," But I don't inside who its from." I blurt out.


     "Fine. Whatever you say Ally." He mutters before grabbing his sweatshirt and storming out. Once the hotel door clicks shut, I fall backwards on my back resting on the bed. Rubbing my forehead, I shut my eyes and tthink. how long could cheating on poor Ashton go on? What am I doing. My thoughts are a knock on the door. I almost don't get it. I am not letting Michael in here tonight. I sit up slowly and shuffle over to the door. Peering through the peep hole, I am greeted with Calum's always cheerful smile. Pulling the door open I see he is holding his pillow.

     "Ashton wanted to be alone, do you mind if we bunk together tonight?" He asks warily. I shrug and motion him inside to the other Queen Bed.

     "Thanks Ally." He smiles and plops down on his bed.

      "I would have assumed you would have stayed with Michael." I say as I grab my PJ'S and step into the bathroom to change. Emerging 20 seconds later in shorts and a teeshirt.

     "He was already sleeping and when he answered the door he looked like hell." We laughed at this. We were both under the covers.of our beds now. I flicked the lights off and stared up into the blackness.

     "And when I went to knock on Jenn and Luke's door, I heard moans so I ran aaway to my good friend Ally's room." I shuddered in my laughter at the tthought of Luke's and Jenn having sex in the room over.

     "Michael also told me to fuck off but I thought better of it." Calum chuckled and so did I.

     "He would say that Cal." I laughed and Calum agreed. We were silent for a few minutes. I pushed my earphones iinto my ears and turned on All Time Low. I heard Calum say something. It was too muffled for me to ungerstand.

     "What'd you say Cal?" I ask, taking out one of my earphones. He takes a breath like it is difficult to say.

     "He loves you you know Ally." He breaths out.

     "I know" I whisper back into the ddarkness that seperates us.

     "Are you gonna do something about it?" He asks.I take a deep breath before I answer

     "I'm working on it."  I say. Calum lets out a sigh.

     "Don't wait forever Ally. He won't." He mutters. I am about to ask why but He says goodnight before I get a chance.

     "Night Cal." I mutter and roll over in my bed. Calums steady breathing fills the room letting me know he is asleep. Silently creeping out of bed and slipping a room key into my pocket, I leave and sal own to Michaels room. Knocking lightly at door I wait for him to answer.

     "Ally?" He says surprised once he answers the door. I immediately pull myself into him and smash my lips against his. He pulls me into his room shutting the door with his foot. He soaks me up against the door as we make out. He grabs my thighs and pulls me up so he is holding me. I tilt my head into the kiss deepening it. He bites on my lip slightly and I breath out a moan. His rough guitar calloused hands stroke my bare thighs on my shorts sending shivers up and down my back.

     After about 5 more minutes I slide out of his arms leaving him with one last sweet kiss before leaving his room and going quietly to my own. Sliding back into my own bed, I can almost feel where Michael's arms gripped me so tightly.



Forever and Always. Second Edition to The We Are Family Series(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now