Part Thirty-Six

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     "Got everything Babe?" I feel Ashton's arms wrap around my waist as I  look over my packing list. I am OCD about lists and shit. I lean back and wrest my head against Ashton's shoulder. His lips peck my forehead. I take a deep breath. I want there to be a  spark but there isn't. What am I missing?

     "Yup." I say, pulling away from the warmth of his embrace. I grab my duffle and slip my Vans on. I flip my hair over and tie it back into a pony tail. The strands of red now pushed back from my face, I look up at Ashton and smile.

     "Ready?" He asks me, smiling. I nod and he opens the door of my apartment and we walk out. Locking the big metal door to what has been my home, I begin to really worry. What if something happens to my girls while I'm gone. Maybe I shouldnt leave. 

     I take another deep breath and walk down the hall to the elevator. I lean against the cool wall of the elevator and cling to Ashton's hand which is holding mine. He kisses my temple and I hear him chuckle.

     "What is it?" I look up at him. His green eyes are deep and dark. Not like Michael's. He just smiles and pecks my lips.

     "Nothing. You have just always been a worrier." He smiles again. I laugh and tilt my head back. Sticking my tongue out at him I lay my head agaist his chest and hug him tightly.

     "This will be so amazing." Ashton whispers into my hair. 


     "Okay, bags checked, carry on's ready, tickets. Are we good?" Calum looks over our group. He is  looking over the tickets for the tenth time. 

     "And you thought I was a worrier." I jokingly whisper to Ashton, who giggles and nods. I look up and happen to catch Michael's eye. My heart flutters. I offer a smile and he nods to me politly. 

     "Okay, so after the fifth time of looking over all our tickets, two of us will sit seperatly from the rest of the group." Calum says with a worried look on his face.

     "I volunteer as tribute." I say, raising my hand and pretending to look scared. Everyone laughs and Jenn decides to sit with me so the boys can have some time together. Michael shoots me a worried glace but a nod him on reasuringly. 

     Finally, its time to board our first flight. On this trip, I am in charge of meet and greets, recording session times, keeping the boys totally hype, and publicity. After we all posed for some pictures, we hurried down the ramp to the plane. Jenn and I grabbed out seats and smile to the boys as they pass us. Thankfully I get the window seat.

     "Hi." Jenn smiles at me. We had barely spent any time together lately.

     "Hi Jenny." I chuckle. 

     "So, whats been bothering you?" She knows me so well. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly.

     "I may or may not have made out with Michael a few days ago before you guys all came over..." I trailed off and looked over at Jenn. Her dark eyes basically burned into my soul. Her lips twist like they always do when she is thinking.

     "What?" I ask her. She shakes her head like she is pulling herself back to the real world. She sighs.

      "I think you and Michael have put off dating eachother for too damn long and you should get together again thats what I fucking think!" She exclaimed, then shocked at her own words, she slaps a hand over her mouth. My mouth drops. We both burst out laughing.

     "Shit." We both mutter in unison and crack up more. We finally began to calm down. Jenn peeked over into the aisle to see the boys all talking and laughing again thank god. Jenn breathed a sigh of relief that neither Michael or Ashton had hear her outburst.

     "So, are you gonna go for Michael now?" She asks when we had gained back our composure. I shrug and rub my forehead in anxiety.

      "I don't even know anymore Jenn. I have to think about it." I mummble. She shrugs.

     "Just promise me one thing." She says quickly.

      "What?" I ask her.

     "You will make your mind up by the end of this trip Ally?" She looks absolutly serious now. I take my one millionth deep breath of the day and nod. Jen reaches out and we high five. We laugh again before I put my earphones in to hear Imagine Dragons. I slide open the plastic window covering and look out at the clouds, getting lost in a world of my own.


     "Night!" I smile at Jenn and my hotel room door swings shut with a click bang. You know how they sound when they slam right? I slide the bolt over the door and go to change into pajamas. Grabbing shorts and an old Johnny Ramone teeshirt, I throw my hair up into a bun and flop onto my bed. Grabbing my phone, I hit play on Round and Round by Imagine Dragons. I let the tune fill the room softly playing.

     Scrolling through my twitter feed gets boring imediatly. I twirl my bracelets around on my wrist. They cover my old scars. I shudder thinking about those times. Michael would always save my life. Everytime. As I stare up at the ceiling, there is a light tap on my door. Rolling off my bed, I walk to the door and look out the peep hole. No one is there. I open the door a crack and peep my head out. Micheal is walking away in the opposite direction.

     "Psst!" I say, cracking a smile. He turns around and instantly he lights up.

     "Hey." He says as I let him into my room. He slips off his gray zippy sweatshirt revealing his Jack Daniel's teeshirt.

    "Hey. What are you doing here?" I ask him. I walk over to my bed and sit on the edge. Pulling my legs up into Indian style, Michael sits beside me. 

     "I wanted to see you. We havn't hung out all day Al." He smiles and tucks a strand of my red hair behind my ear. I dip my head into his touch. I feel a tightening in my throat as he leans in to kiss me. No part of my wishes to pull away from him so I don't. Our lips meet and mold together as they always have. Wrapping my arms around him. His hands go to my waist and my torso. His lips pull away from mine, and his kisses down my neck. A moan excapes my mouth.

I have to stop.

     I kiss his lips again. This time with more need in it. My fingers go into the hair and drag through it.  Michael's hands are traveling lower. They are dangerously close to the seem of my shorts.

     I can't do this now.

     I pull away quickly. I crawl away to the top of the bed. I hold my arms out to Michael.

     "Cuddle." i say childishly. He smirks and comes and wraps his arms around me. Laying my head against his chest, the beating of his heart puts me to sleep as it always has.


     I wake up with a start. I expect to be in my bedroom at home. But instead I am in the hotel room. I push my mess of hair back from my eyes and swing my legs over the side of the bed. I see Michael's sweatshirt draped over the back of a chair. I pick it up. It smells likke him. Putting it down, I notice a note on my dresser. I pick it up. Michael's handwriting.

     "You fell asleep. Went back to my room. I'll see you later Red. I just thought of that nickname for you. - xx Michael." 

     I smile at his note. This really does feel like high school all over again.



Forever and Always. Second Edition to The We Are Family Series(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now