Part Seven.

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     I woke up to Michael's beautiful green eyes staring at me. His lips curled into a smile when he saw I was awake. I brushed his hair out of his face and giggled. Then it hit me. I couldnt fall for him again... We needed to be just friends he was leaving at the end of the summer again. I couldnt put myself through another break up. I sat up in bed and managed to hobble on my cast to my couch. I patted a spot next to me for Michael. He shuffled over and plopped down.

     "Whats up?" He said popping his p like he always does.

     "Look... I umm... We cant do this again... I cant put myself through what happened last summer when you left. If we get back together... I'll be devastated when you leave. I cant do that to myself or you again. I want your friendship." The word 'friendship' when i was talking to Michael was awful. He sighed.

     "Okay... Well, see you." He said getting off the couch. He opened the window and climbed out like he always did. I sat there stunned. He seemed so calm about this. I stared ahead of myself irritated with myself and him. Of course i didnt just want damn friendship. I wanted him and i wanted him now but i coulndt have him. He was a freaking famouse person and he deserved someone who could live that life... Right now i just need to focus on rehab... 


     Of course she was going to do that. Me being me i needed to get a new girl to get my mind off of her. And i know exactly who to get. My mother's friends daughter Tye Baily. She was gorgeous. And she had always had a crush on me.

Forever and Always. Second Edition to The We Are Family Series(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now