Part Thirty-One

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     "What are you up to today babe?" Ashton's voice filtered out over the speaker phone. I am curled up on the couch at about 5 a.m. cradeling Haley in my arms. She wouldn't sleep a wink. I tried everything. So i decided to sit with her until she slept. I had been up since 2 and so bored. So I called Ash. it was about 7 p.m. in Austrailia due to the 14 hour time difference so he was wide awake as well.

     "I don't know yet." I say, yawning. I rub my puffy eyes and yawn again. 

     "Oh okay. Hon you sound tired. Maybe some sleep?" Ashton's from was evident through the call.

     "It's okay Ash. I'll get rest." I say.

     "Okay. Wel i have to go to dinner with the family. I miss you!" He says, its like i could hear his smile.

     "Alrighty. Miss you too." I say, smiling back.

     "Bye!" He says. I hang up and look down at Haley. Her green eyes shine up at me.

     "Not even tired?" I whisper down to her. She just gurgles and smiles. I crack a smile as well. I am so tired and bored. Who can I call. Theres no one really I want to talk to... Michael. I quickly dial his number not really caring about the time of morning.

     "Huhlo?" Michael answers the phone on the second ring. I instantly feel badly, I woke him up.

     "Hey Mike. Did I wake you?" I ask frowning at my own stupidity.

     "Oh! No, no I have been up." He says. Liar.

     "Okay... Well, wanna come over?" I ask. Hoping he will say yes. I hear shuffling feet.

     "Now? I mean uh.. Sure, i'll be there soon." He says before hanging up. I sigh and smile. Maybe we would be friends after all.

     About 20 minutes of me watching the clock, there is a light tap on the door. I get off the couch, still holding Haley and look out to see Michael.

     "Hey." I say, smiling and opening the door wider for him to enter. His hair is a mess and he is wearing sweats and a Blink 182 teeshirt. I smile because I am wearing sweats and a Blink teeshirt as well. My hair and thrown up in a messy 5r second bun and no makeup.

     "Nice outfit." He says, looking us both up and down. I shake my head and stick my tongue out at him.

     "I know right." I chuckle.

     "So missy here won't sleep huh?" He asks as we sit down on the couch. I shake my head again. Michael reaches out for her and I gladly hand her over. Holding a baby for hours is not great on the neck or back.

     "Maybe... Never mind." I start then stop myself. Looking away awkwardly.

     "What is it?" Michael asks me, nudging my leg with his foot.

     'You could sing to her." I whisper. Looking up at him I see his eyes are already on me. He nods and looks down at Haley. Rocking her back and forth slightly, he takes a breath and begins a song. My song. The song I love... The song he knows I love... 

"Where are you and I'm so sorry. I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight. I need somebody and always. This sick strange darkness Comes creeping on so haunting every time"

He stops to look up at me. I smile and nod him on. His deep soft voice filling the room and sending shivers up my back.

"And as I stared I counted Webs from all the spiders. Catching things and eating their insides.  Like indecision to call youand hear your voice of treason. Will you come home and stop this pain tonight. Stop this pain tonight. Don't waste your time on me you're already The voice inside my head I miss you, I miss you."

He stops. I look up from my lap to see his green eyes glistening up at me. I smile at him softly.

     "She's asleep Al." He whispers to me.

     "You can put her to bed if you like." I whisper back and nod him towards the girl's room. He gets up and takes her into her room. I lean my head back on the couch and close my eyes for a minute. Oh Michael. He always so easily captures my heart. I think back to the first day I met him. His floppy blonde fringe now exchanged for red and black spikey hair. His normal style traded out for skinny jeans and band teeshirts. High voice now deep. It's so funny how two short years can change some one so much. And I look at me. My hair is dyed chestnut now, no longer red. I'm a mother. He is a father. I'm 19 and he is almost 19 too. I'v lost both my parents and his gave up on him. We are both alone but both so loved by people. We have Luke, Calum, and Ashton and Jenn. And we all have our new additions to the family. Haley and Ellie. I take another deep breath andsmile slightly. 

      "What is it?" Michael asks. He has come back into the dim living room silently and saw me smile.

     "Nothing." I say, yawning. He sits down beside me on the couch. He rubs his eyes and looks over at me.

     "If your really tired I can head out Al." He says, motioning towards the door.

     "No, you don't have to go." I say, curling up on the couch. I grab a blanket and pull it over myself. I look over at Michael and offer him a peice of the blanket. He cuddles under it as well. I let myself go slightly, and I rest my head on his shoulder. I feel his arm slowly go around my waist. I take a deep breath and smell his axe. 

     "Michael." I whisper. I tilt my head up to look at him. His eyes are shut and his head is leaning against mine slightly.

     "Hmm?" He answers, half asleep.

     "Where do you stay?" I ask him.

     "In the same place as Luke and Cal and Jenn.' He says, His lips brush against my forehead slightly. I ssmirk a little.

      "Thanks for coming." I whisper.

     "Anything for my Ally." He whispers back. He kisses my forehead gently. After that, it was like a hush fell over the apartment. I am here cuddled up to Michael. Beautiful, crazy, annoying, perfect, talented, amazing Michael. Why does he make me feel this way?





Forever and Always. Second Edition to The We Are Family Series(Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon