Part Nine.

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     The beeping of the life support machiene Liz was hooked up to drowned out the penatrating thoughts in my mind driving me insane. Luke sat holding Liz's hand giving her a weak smile from time to time. I was sitting by the window watching my dad and Luke stare at Liz. While liz was pregnant. She had gotten a cold, but because of the weakend state her body was in, it got to her fast. It developed into pneumonia. The baby was born prematurly but strong. After the birth, Liz seemed fine. Then she began bleeding. She lost a quart of blood. She had been in the hospitol for about three days after i saw her leaving in the ambulance and Michael kept me company while i freaked out. Then Luke came home and since i had fallen asleep on the couch, Michael told him what happened and Luke woke me and we went to the hospitol even though it was past visiting hours. Liz was dying. She was so weak. I sniffled. Tears were streaming down my cheeks. Me, Luke, and dad hadnt left the hospitol since we got there. I had taken a shower in the bathrooms and Calum and Ashton brought me and Luke clothes from our house. Michael hadnt come. I missed him. I really did. He is probly off with his new girlfriend. Why the hell am i so mad about it? I got a new boyfriend the same damn day and IM the one who told Michael that he and I shouldnt be together. But i really didnt like Brent.... This is my fault. I just push and push and push people away from me. Why did i do this to myself? Then suddenly... 


     "Oh god no. Oh please come back!" My dad yelled. Luke burried his face in his hands. I ran to Liz's side and grabbed her cold hand.

     "Liz?" I whispered. But it was too late. She was gone. "But..." I backed away as the doctors filed in. SHe was dead. No. NO NO No! I had no emotion. I walked out of the room. Everything felt like it was dimming. The crying of Luke and my father faded. It was all slow motion as i walked towards where The baby was. I looked in through the window at it. It slept not nknowing its mother was dead. It was my little sibling now. I would have to take care of it. My father and Luke would be too stricken with greif. The doctors came and told me that the baby was ready to be taken home. The little child was placed in my arms. I rocked it slowly back and forth. I hummed a song Liz had always hummed to herself. I looked down the hall towards Liz's room. She was being wheeled out towards the morgue.  Luke slumped to the floor. My dad was on the phone informing Liz's parents and close friends. When he looked up and saw me holding the child he came and looked down at it. 

     "Take it home." He muttered and walked away. Appaled at my fathers behavior i did take it home.


     "Hi little one..." I whispered to the child. She was a little girl. Liz had never named her. "Im gonna name you now. I like the name Kara. Im sorry for the way dad acted before. He's so sad. But i'll be here for you. Now that your sleeping I guess i'll leave you alone." I stood up from the rocking chair in the baby's room. I shut the door softly and saw Luke entering his room. He shut his door. I wakled silently to his door and knocked. He didnt answer. I swung the door open. He was laying on his bed staring at the ceiling.

     "Luke?" I whispered. I motioned for me to come in. I crept over to his bed and layed down next to him.

     "I dont have anyone now Ally. Both my parents are dead." He said plainly. I sighed.

     "You have me... and my dad... and you have Kara."  i whispered. 

     "Who's Kara?' Luke asked.

     "The baby's name is Kara." I said turning to look at him. He sat up and paced around his room.

     "You realize if it wasnt for that baby my mom would still be living?!" His voice rose. 

     "hey! It wasnt that childs fault! Be greatful we have her she is the closest thing we have to Liz. stop being such a dick about this. I... i know your sad. But I understand..." My voice was softer now. I was trying so hard not to cry. "Luke... I loved Liz... Im just sad i never got to tell her." I whispered. I wrapped a sobbing Luke into my arms. Just then, there was a lound bang down stairs. Luke and i ran into the living room.

     "Oh my god."

     "Holy fucking shit." My dad had just shot himself.


     "Your father came out of the surgery and is still living." The doctor told Luke and me at the ospitol. After my father shot himself, we took him to the hosptiol immediatly. 

     "But becasue of his attempt on his life, so soon after his wife's death, we are keeping him under psychiatric watch for the next year." 

       "And that means?' Luke asked. He was stronger than i was. I was still in shock.

      "We will be keeping him in psychiatric hospital." The doctor said calmly. I grabbed Lukes hand.

     "Wh-what? When will i be able to see him? And the baby!" I started to tear up.

     "Ms. Brighten, because you are eighteen and not a minor you will take care of the child unless you have another relative take it or put it up for adoption."

      "No!" Luke and I both said at once.

     "I can take care of Kara." I said firmly. The doctor nodded.

     "And as for your father, we will call when he is stabalized and you can visit. Good afternoon Ms. Brighten, Mr. Hemmings." And just like that, the doctor dismissed us.

     ON the drive home, Luke spoke up."We got this All. We ca take care of her." He managed a smile to me. I noticed a tear fall from his eye but he wiped it away. 

      "No Luke, what about the band? You have so much to accomplish! I cannot let you give everything up for this. I get my cast off next week, and after that i go to therapy to get moving again. And then... Iv decided to call and cancel my dancing scholorship." I said. Luke opened his mouth to protest but i cut him off.

     "I love my family. And now that i basically only have you and Kara, I'll need to get a job and provide for us. Im an adult now... I can get a headstart on acting like one."   I said quietly. When we got home, i called Brent and apologized but that it wasnt gonna work out. I hung up before he could protest. Right now i only have room for a few things in my mind. Luke and Kara, getting this cast off, and Michael. Michael damn Gordon Clifford.

A.N. |--|


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