I'm Tired

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Okay so quick reminder starting from She Seems Off  up to present. James and Jaiden are 18 and 19 here. So Jaiden is 18 and James is 19 okay? Okay good. Now go on and read!

~With James and Jaiden~

They are now well rested, and ready to go to another town or country.

Their plan was just to cover their faces and avoid contact with people.

Minutes later, they saw buildings in the distance. It seems they're entering in Las Vegas, since they saw a sign that it says Las Vegas.

Jaiden: James... Are you sure we'll not get killed?

James: I'm not making any promises...

Jaiden: Let's just get this over with...

As Jaiden walked ahead of James. He sighed heavily and continued to walk.

~Minutes Later~

They have finally reached the busy city, called Las Vegas. It was crowded with people, it was squishy and hot.

This gives them an advantage and disadvantage.

The advantage was it's so tight, people cant notice them easily, because there are many people.

But the disadvantage was, what if some people are observative, and they noticed them? They'll be doomed. They just hoped none if them are observative.

Las Vegas is a huge city, so it'll probably take a day or so before they reach another place.

James and Jaiden ducked their head so people wont notice their faces.

Then one lady approached them, "Hey! Are you okay? Are you tired or something?"she asked.

Jaiden: U-ummm... We're just new here, were a little shy...

???: Oh, it's alright! Oh! By the way, the name's Nicole!

James: Hello.

Nicole: So, do you have a home or anything?

Jaiden: Sadly. No. We are just going to pass by Las Vegas and reach another town or city...

Nicole: I can drive you there!

James: Really?

Nicole: Yeah! Hop in my car

She ran to her car and as the two followed behind. She started to turn on the car and drive them away.

James and Jaiden started to whisper things at each other, it was soft but loud enough for just the two of them to hear it.

James: I'm surprised she didnt recognize us

Jaiden: Yeah. Wait... What if she's taking us somewhere we'll get killed?!

Nicole: You guys alright there?

Jaiden&James: Yep!!

Nicole: Come on, you're not fooling me, you're the werewolves that I saw in TV

Jaiden&James: U-um...

Nicole: No dont be scared! I'm actually not against you

Jaiden: You're not?

Nicole: Nope. I'm actually a werewolf lover and... I'm a logical thinker, and I know that it's not your fault. It was the guy

James: Wait what?!?!

Nicole: Yeah, just dont ask how. It's a long story. Oh guys, duck your head!

As the two followed her, then a man approached her.

Nicole: Oh hey Carlos! What's up?

Carlos: Can I have a ride?

Nicole: Carlos no. I have stuffs at the back!

Carlos: I'm sure I can tolerate it

Nicole: Carlos no!

The  he opened the car door as he found James and Jaiden. He freaked out that he screamed "The werewolves are here!!!".

People stared screaming, alarms went off and helicopters started to appear. "Run guys!"Nicole shouted as they ran as fast as they could.

People chased them down except Nicole. James and Jaiden faster than their normal. Then, they heard guns being fired.

Then their running speed increased. Soon, they lost them. They were half way out of Las Vegas, luckily they stopped a peaceful part in the city.

It seems like a ghost town. All houses were abandoned, dusty, broken. They sighed in relief that they were safe and sound.

So, they decided to sleep in one of those abandoned houses. They were also near an abandoned fruit orchard, and it seems the tress are healthy and kept bearing fruits.

The two went there to collect food. Luckily the fruits are juicy and they contain liquid, so they dont have to find a water source.

They also found many dusty backpacks lying on the ground. They putted their stuffs in there, like food.

After that, they went to find a house to sleep in. Minutes later, they found a house that looks stable and wouldnt collapse at any second.

So they went in there and tried to find a bedroom. The bedroom was upstairs, so they stayed there and had their dinner.

Jaiden: James. I'm tired.

James: Well you can go to bed early

Jaiden: No James. I'm tired. I'm tired of being chased, I'm tired of hiding and people blaming me. I'm tired of these voices!!!

James: Wait, voices? Are you still depressed?

Jaiden: U-um. No?

James: Haha, nice try, but you're a bad liar. You're still depressed arent you?

Jaiden: I um... I-a....

James: I know what depressed people think, and you think that you're useless, a big disgrace, ugly, and no one loves you, nor care you, right?

Jaiden: Um...

James: You dont need to tell me the reasons why, cause I know why, I'm you're best friend Jaiden.

James: You dont know who cares for you right? Well, your family and I do. Your beautiful Jaiden, you've always have been. And... I just care you more than a friend.

James: You may not notice it. Because I dont show it, but it's always in the back of my mind, that I... I like you...

Jaiden: But I thought you dont like me?

James: I lied to you okay? I dont want to tell this to you right now because I dont think it's the right time. We are in the state of suffering. I wanted to tell you this when everything's okay. Where the war is finished, our suffering has ended. But I cant hold this in if you think that no one cares for you...

Jaiden: I... Are you sure?

James: Every single word I spoke, is true

Jaiden: I... I actually have liked you too for years now, and I dont want to speak it, I just... Didnt have the courage to tell you. You know me, I'm a shy turtle.

James: Well, guess we have the same feelings towards each other, huh?

Jaiden: -giggles- Yeah

James: -kisses Jaiden on cheek- Well, go to bed, we'll continue to find that portal

Jaiden froze after James kissed her. Moments later she unfroze and slept on the bed, which was once dusty.

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