Going To School

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~The Next Day~

Jaiden and "Robert" were outside talking about things.

Jaiden: So Robert, where do you go to school?

James: I... Um...

James' POV

But I was home schooled! What should I do?!?! She might think I'm crazy or something for not going to school!! Agh!!

End of POV

James: Um... I-i was...

Jaiden: Yes?

James: Promise me you wont be disgusted?

Jaiden: Cross my heart

James: -takes a deep breath- So... I was home schooled...

Jaiden: W-what?...

James: I know... It's weird right?

Jaiden: No! It's so cool! You get to learn while you're at home!! Oh I wish I was home schooled like you! Being at a real school sucks... People would ignore you and stuffs

James: I dont know... Being at school looks fun!

Jaiden: I guess we have different opinions

James: But that doesnt mean we cant be best friends anymore! R-right??

Jaiden: You're right. If best friends dont agree on something, doesnt mean they cant be best friends anymore!

The two giggled at their small quarrel. Then,

Jaiden: So are you going to be home schooled?

James: Why?

Jaiden: It's because tomorrow I have school. So does that mean you have school at home?

James: Every Wednesdays to Thursdays, why?

Jaiden: Well... Just wanting to ask you. I'm gonna miss you though... 

James: Hmm... What if I go to school with you tomorrow?

Jaiden: Wait... So you're going to enroll there?

James: Yeah! So we can hang out before and after classes!

Jaiden: Great idea! But... School starts tomorrow... You dont have time to enroll Robert!

James: But can I still enroll today?

Jaiden: I dont know... Maybe?

James: We should check it out! But I dont know where the school is...

Jaiden: I'll show you! But... Are your parents okay with it?

James: I'll go ask them.

James stood up and went to his house. He left Jaiden alone for a while. As he got in his house

Mr.R: Need anything James?

James got startled at his father. He has no idea that his dad knows he does need something!

James: How'd you guess?

Mr.R: I'm your dad James! I know when you need help

James: B-but... How?!?!?!

Mr.R: You'll  understand that once you get your own family

James: Um... Okay?

Mr.R: So what's your problem James?

James: Can I go to school like humans with my best friend?

Mr.R: W-what?

James: Y-yeah... I thought that three days of education isnt enough. You and mom are also busy with other things. Sometimes you get a day off just to teach us. So if I go to school, you guyswont get tired!

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