Family Secret

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One faithful evening, a lady gave birth to a male and female wolf, they called it Robert and Faith. They were twins.

They had tiny ears and tiny tails goewing out of their head and butt/back. They lived in a neighbourhood with normal people.

James and his siblings never really went out. Since they might expose their family secret, or could really get really agressive and hurt people with their eyes.

Their eyes turns to red, and whoever looks in their eyes while their emotions are unstable, could hurt someone.

Victims of these could feel their body heat up, ache and severe pain. That's why their parents never allowed them to go.

But one evening... James who was now 12, confronted them.

James: Mom, dad... Why dont you allow us to go out, while you guys get to?

Mrs.R: James... We talked about this, you might expose our secret to people, and-

James: Mom... That's what you always say! I promise, I wont expose our family secret. I jist want to be with the normal kids... It seems fun to be one of them...

Mr.R: James, what if your emotions suddenly became unstable? What if it turns your eyes to red and hurt someone with it?

James: Dad, you know me! I'm a very calm person

Mr.R: But what if?

James: I'll turn my face away! Simple.

Mr.R: But James...

Mrs.R: Just let him go sweetie... I guess it's not bad for them to experience to come in contact with humans

Mr.R: Fine... I'll let you go. But when one of your siblings got out of control, EVERYONE shall never come in contact with them ever again, okay?

James: But why?!

Mr.R: James! It's too dangerous! We cant let them know our secret!

James: But I, augh... Fine... I accept.

Mr.R: Good. Now you can play outside with them

James: Thanks dad

James went upstairs to tell his ither siblings that they could play with the humans. They all jumped in excitement.

But before they could even rush out of the room, their mom appeared.

Faith: Mom? What are you doing here? Did dad's mind change?!?!

Mrs.R: No Faith... He just wanted me to remind you guys, you have to hide your ears and tail

James: How can we do that?

Mrs.R: That's why I'm here; to teach you how to hide them

Mrs Rallison carefully told them the instructions, she also carefully demonstarated them.

It took them an hour before everyone got it. So James' older brother did it, then next was Faith. James had a hard time hiding them.

James: Mom, what am I doing wrong?

Mrs.R: Okay, lemme show you where you're wrong sweetie

~Several Minutes Later~

James finally got it, and he kissed his mom as a thank you gift and rushed downstairs tp meet other children.

When he reached the door. He took a deep breath, and opened the door. When he opened it, he felt the warmth of the Arizona sun.

He never felt thw outside warmth, only the inside's. He looked around and saw children running around the Arizona floor.

They were playing all sorts of games. Like frisbee, badminton, and many more! James looked around to find a new friend.

James: Looks like everyone's taken...

James has no idea how to make a friend. All he knows is when they're alone, they could be friends.

But he didnt know that making friends is just easy. Just approach and start a conversation.

So he just sat down on one of the sidewalks, and just watched them play.

~With A Girl~

There was a little girl named Jaiden. Jaiden loves playing her pokémon figurines at the sandy floor of Arizona.

She gets to create stunts with it. She doesnt many friends, only Kate. But she's in a vacation. So Jaiden is alone for now.

While Pikachu was in the middle of deafeating Necrozma, she found a guy sitting on a sidewalk, watching the children play.

Jaiden: That guy is... Lonely... Is he okay? Does he have friends?

Many questions crossed her mind. After doozens of them, she finally stood up to talk to him.

Jaiden: Um.... H-hey?

Jaiden may be socially awkward. But she gathered all her courage to talk to her.

Since James is socially awkward too, he stuttered.

James: U-um... H-hey...

Jaiden: -giggles- Why are you stuttering? I thought that I was the queen of stutters, but guess not. Also, youre cute when you stutter

James: W-wait w-what?

Jaiden: N-nothing!!

Both blushed and looked away.

Jaiden's POV

Great job Jaiden! You screwed up another conversation! I knew it... I should really stay quiet.

End of POV

James broke the silent after several minutes.

James: S-so...

Jaiden: Um... Hey, are you new here?

James: No...

Jaiden: B-but i've never seen you before, since when have you lived here?

James: Ever since I was a kid

Jaiden: But I've never seen you before

James: Oh... It's because I'm a werewo-

James remembered to never expose their family secret. Or else he'll never get to go out of his house ever again.

Jaiden: Because you're what?

James: B-because I'm aware that there are many cacti! And I hate them!! But now, I have overcomed them!

Jaiden: Well glad to hear youre not scared of 'em anymore!

James: Heh... Thanks! So... What shall we do?

Jaiden: Do you like pokémons?

James: like Pokémons?!?!? I love 'em!!!

Jaiden: Then what are we waiting for?!?! Let's play!!

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