New Life

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"Fuck" my head was pounding and everything was hurting I finally reached Damion's car but then I realized that I didn't have the car keys, looking around the car I panicked when I didn't find any thing to start the car with, but at some point Damion taught me how to hot wire a car.

Quickly getting the wires switched I was able to start the car up, reversing out the driveway I knew I had to get out here because I know for one thing I didn't kill him. After 30 minutes, I found a near ditch and released the brake on his car knowing he had a tracking device on it. I walked the rest of the way to my house, when I got home I quickly sprung into action , packing all my shit and getting the 95g I had saved up for situations like this. I took a quick shower so people wouldn't call the police on me for having blood on me. After the shower I sat down with my first aid kit and started addressing my wounds "Fuck" I winced as I got to my arm, putting rubbing alcohol and then wrapping it up, repeating the same process with my side.

Looking around making sure I got everything that I needed, realizing that I would never be able to step foot in this house again with a sigh I got my shit into the car as quick as possible. Locking the doors I pulled out the driveway going nowhere in particular "Where the fuck are we going Karma" my thoughts wandering off suddenly I got so tickled after realizing where I wanted to go, thinking about the pros and the cons about doing this , but I couldn't find anything wrong with it suddenly perking up , I mean I already have a passport, have enough money to support myself fully, getting out my phone I booked a ticket to the most beautiful place on earth"Well you crazy bitch looks like we're going to Italy" saying fuck my past and hello to my New Life.

My Italian man(Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now