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farkle started his car and we were off to the airport. i tried to take in everything that was here, the smell of the car and the sights around me. his car was an older model of a ford, but a cute little thing it was.

"wait, i need to visit someone before we go," i said. "he lives in koreatown," i gave farkle the address and we began our detour.

the radio played quietly as no one spoke a word. i hummed softly to music as my head bopped. the brunette smiled and turned up the volume singing along with me. soon enough we were having a full on car party of some sorts singing, or screaming, every lyric of every song we heard. music used to be my only escape from life. now i have more to live for.


my palms became sweaty after we arrived to our detour destination. from the small condo, i heard a faint sound of music coming through. my finger pressed on the door bell and i stepped back holding farkle's hand for support. to say i was nervous was an understatement.

a man with a scruffy beard answered the door, his face growing pale and screamed when he saw me.

"hi shawn," i smiled. i moved towards him opening my arms for a hug. he gladly accepted and hugged me gently as though he was afraid to hurt me.

we entered the house and let it be by the beatles could be heard on vinyl. the goodbye gift i gave him. shawn sat us on the sofa and inspected both of us.

"how did she convince you to come with her," shawn asked, folding his arms. farkle seemed uneasy and frightened a bit.

"well, um she told me she needed to know for sure if she was sick. and since you're a nurse i was wondering if i could as you a question. actually it's two," farkle said rather quickly.

the older man rose an eyebrow, interested in what the younger had to say. "sure,"

"one, may said she got experimental pills from a doctor she used to go to and it would help her stay healthy when she's outside,"

"did she?" shawn turned to me. he could see right through me knowing i lied to farkle. i pleaded him with my eyes, this is my only chance. "well if they're from doctor rivera then she should be fine. that man is an excellent doctor,"

i sigh in relief. thank you, i mouth.

"what was your second question kid," shawn continues the conversation.

"oh, well i think the whole block knows about my father and. . . his ways to discipline us," farkle lifted his long sleeved shirt to show a gash on his upper arm. the spot was purple with dried blood on it. "can you help me?" those blue eyes that were so used to being filled with mischief and care were now full of fear and hope.

i gasped a little, shocked about how a father could do this to his family. slowly, i guided my hand into his and intertwined them together. he and i made eye contact, smiling weakly at each other.

"of course i can kid," shawn answered. "let me just get my first aid kit,"

when he left the room, i was quick to kiss farkle on the cheek. "you're so brave, you know that?" he just nodded, his eyes glossy with tears. his head rested on my shoulder as i kept him company.

shawn was silent as he covered the boy's cuts and bruises. his whole upper arm was covered in white bandage wraps.

"stay away from any water contact with that arm, so dry showers would be good," shawn adviced. we thanked him and were saying goodbyes. farkle went to the car first while shawn and i talked.

"you take care of yourself. don't get in any trouble and remember i love you," the man reminded me. i nodded. "and that boy of yours, is he the one?" i grinned widely.

hugging him tightly, i whispered, "i think so,"

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