twenty minutes

465 21 16

"teenagers are all the same. give them an inch and they go a mile." shawn laughed.

"so is that a no?" i ask.

shawn leaves the doorframe entrance and goes downstairs. riley and lucas had just left from our "study" session and were on their way home.

i try again, surprising myself when i saw those words. "maybe he can come for fifteen minutes and get decontaminated like mr. matthews then -"

"are you insane?"


"please shawn, i never ask for anything," i practically beg now.

shawn takes my blood pressure in our daily checkup and he sighs.

"what if he stays on one side of the room and i sit far away on the other side. twenty minutes?"

he shakes his head. "still too risky."

i frown.

"i told you maya, no. you're mom would hate it."

"then we don't have to tell her," i plead. shawn looks at me with disappointment in his hazelnut eyes. it feels strange to want something so bad. being stuck here for eighteen years, nothing has ever majorly occurred. this could be the chance for something new to happen for me.


shawn doesn't talk about this topic until two days later.

"okay now you listen to me." he says sternly. "you stay on your side of the room while he stays on his side. i already told him this and absolutely no touching. i already told the boy the same thing."

i blankly nod. then it hits me. what? my eyes widen and i process all the words. i understand the words, but i don't understand what he's saying.

"wait, so he's here already? when did he come? you talked to him?" i feel all jittery inside and i can't think.

"he's waiting in the music room"


shawn stares at me like i have spaghetti sauce on my face. he gives me the look of what do you think.

i stand up from my seat on the bay window and pace around.

"oh dear, go get ready i'm only giving you twenty minutes." he points towards my bathroom.

as i brush my silky blonde hair, i wonder. what made him change his mind. pity? regret? i sigh as i look through my muted closet. white, white and some more white. i don't go outside so there's no point in effort to look nice. that's my theory.

i look at my complexion. light ivory skin with my ocean blue eyes that are apparently striking. my petite five foot frame makes me shorter and makes my hair seem longer than it actually is. my hair falls loose and it hits right below my chest.

as i make my way towards the music room, i pause to write an email. he's the biggest risk im taking. he's the only risk i've ever taken. he's farkle.


From: Maya P. Hunter
Subject: Future Perfect
Sent: October 5, 2017

By the time you have read this we would have met, and it will have been perfect.

everything, everthing Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant