the first contact

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i sigh loudly for the whole house to hear as i groan. no one is home, shawn is out buying groceries and mom's at work. two days have passed since i've looked out that bay window. the curtains were pale yellow, i know shocker considering everything is white. the pillows red and blue. i listen to ocean eyes as i have been on repeat.

my fingers rest on the screen of my smartphone, contemplating if i should call riley. i've been getting good at ignoring the ping sounds from the neighbors outside. mopping around wasn't going to help my case so i needed to do something.

i had been so caught up in my thoughts that i ignore the sounds. three minutes later, there was another sound, louder this time. then three, four, and five come even quicker. something is hitting my window. i mumble under my breath. i swear if someone is trying to break my windows then im going to stab them. i groan as i get out of bed and push the yellow curtains aside.

i glance out my window to see farkle's window wide open. its dark in his room but i squint my eyes enough to see the indestructible bundt lying on the windowsill with googly eyes staring straight at me. the blinds are up and i can't see farkle. as i try to look for him, the bundt leans forwards and then retreats. it trembles and swings. the bundt leaps out of the window and falls straight to the ground.

i gasp. did the bundt just commit suicide? i lean towards the window more to see the cake.

it was too dark out for me to see the bundt. i'm about to get my phone when a spotlight hits the bundt. it lays there with no pieces broken off or damaged. what is it made out of? it's a good thing mom didn't accept that.

the light flickers off and i catch a hand with a flashlight retreat back into the room. i wait for a few minutes to see him again. i wait, but he doesn't come back.


another ping hits the next night. i'm determined not to go to the window. i don't go that night nor the next.

on the fourth night i can't help it. i peer out the window to see no farkle. just the bundt that is miraculously still intact on the windowsill. the "thing" is covered in bandages and patches.

the fifth night. it seems as though this is becoming a tradition. look out the window every night and see the bundt. it has been entertaining since riley and lucas have been too busy at the moment to come over. tonight the bundt is on a table next to the window. a green liquid is captured in a champagne glass and a pack of cigarettes lay next to it. a pill bottle with a skull sits next to the bundt. another suicide attempt? still, no farkle.

the sixth night the bundt is on something like an iv. theres an upside down eater bottle attached to a clothing hanger and it cracks me up. farkle appears in a white jacket and a stethoscope. he frowns as he listens for a heartbeat. i couldn't take it. i laugh, laugh and laugh. i see farkle grin back. he takes a black marker and writes on paper:

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